Author: Herbert G. Tovey Hymnal: The Voice of Thanksgiving No. 3 #39 (1921) First Line: Not by values told such as gems or gold Refrain First Line: I’m redeemed, redeemed Lyrics: 1 Not by values told such as gems or gold
Has the Saviour paid my ransom,
But by His own blood as a healing flood
Which He shed on Calvary.
I’m redeemed, redeemed,
By the blood of the Lamb who died;
I’m redeemed, redeemed,
And thro’ Him I am justified.
2 There was none to plead for my soul in need,
So the Saviour came to save me;
From iniquity Jesus ransomed me,
He’s my Saviour, praise His name! [Refrain]
3 He has ransomed me for eternity,
What a wonderful Redeemer!
That thro’ endless days I might show His praise,
And bring glory to His name. [Refrain]
4 Not for me alone did His blood atone,
But for all who will accept Him;
For He will impart to each contrite heart
Free salvation from all sin. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Not by values told such as gems or gold]
I’m Redeemed