Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #659 (1828) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Now, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
To whom we for our children cry!
The good desir'd and wanted most,
Out of thy richest grace supply!
2 Error and ignorance remove,
The blindness of their heart and mind;
Give them the wisdom from above,
Spotless, and peaceable, and kind.
3 Answer on them the end of all
Our cares and pains, and studies here!
On them recover'd from their fall,
Stamp'd with the humble character?
4 Unite, what long has been disjoin'd,
Knowledge and vital piety;
Learning and holiness combin'd,
And truth and love let all men see.
5 Father, accept them through thy Son,
And ever by thy Spirit guide!
Thy wisdom in their lives be shown,
Thy name confess'd and glorified. Topics: Parents and Children; Prayer of parents for their offspring
Now, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost