Author: Ada Hymnal: Triumphant Songs No.3 #30 (1892) First Line: Oh, erring one, say not too late Refrain First Line: For his mercy long endureth Lyrics: 1 Oh, erring one, say not too late,
While yet thou hast a soul to save,
While the pulse of life still beats,
Mercy seek and mercy crave,
On thy bended knee to God,
Trembling suppliant, lowly bow;
Tho’ thy sins be deep and many,
He will hear thee, even now.
For his mercy long endureth,
Tho’ it oft repelled may be,
Still the doors of his salvation,
Open yet remain for thee.
2 Then erring one, say not too late,
Jesus died for such as thee,
Oh repentant, thy Savior seek,
See, he pours his mercy free;
Long in pray’r, oh seek thy God,
He is all that’s left to thee,
For thy many sins atoning,
He alone can set you free. [Refrain] Topics: Invitation; Salvation Tune Title: [O, erring one, say not too late]
No, not too late