Author: J. Heerman, 1585-1647; H. A. Brorson, 1694-1764; O. H. Smeby, 1851-1929 Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #475 (1996) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Praise God, this hour of sorrow
Shall bring a brighter morrow:
I go to Paradise.
Dear Christian friends together,
When round my grave you gather,
Lay me to rest with songs of praise.
2 What better can befall me
Than that the Lord doth call me
From hence, where sin holds sway?
Who is on earth a stranger
Must ever be in danger,
Till God hath closed life's fleeting day.
3 God takes His own from anguish
And pain, in which they languish
Within this vale of tears,
And gives them to inherit
The crown that Christ did merit:
The joy of heav'n's eternal years.
4 On earth Christ was my treasure,
And now I know but pleasure
And gone is bitter woe;
Believe, whate'er betideth,
God's love in all abideth,
And soon your tears shall cease to flow.
5 Our days the Lord appointeth,
He woundeth and anointeth,
He knoweth all things well.
No evil He effected,
No good He e'er neglected,
And all His works His glory tell.
6 When ye shall see me nearing
The throne of God, appearing
Adorned and crowned bride,
My palms of vict'ry swinging,
'Midst Alleluias ringing,
I beauteous grace the Lamb beside:
7 Ye then shall rue the sadness
That made you weep, and gladness
E'er in your hearts shall reign.
Who follows where God guideth,
And takes what He provideth
Shall know release from ev'ry pain.
8 Farewell, I now must leave you;
The grief this day doth give you
Soon others, too, shall bear.
Be ye to God commended;
In heav'n all woe is ended,
And we shall meet in glory there. Topics: Death and Burial; Trinity 16 Languages: English Tune Title: O WELT, ICH MUSS DICH LASSEN
Praise God, This Hour of Sorrow