Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns #435 (1814) Lyrics: 1 Thy power and saving truth to show,
A warfare at thy charge I go!
Strong in the Lord and thy great might
Gladly take up the hallow’d cross
And suffering all things for thy cause,
Beneath that bloody banner fight.
A spectacle to friends and men,
To all their fierce or cool disdain
With calmest pity I submit:
Determin’d naught to know beside
My Jesus and him crucified
I tread the world beneath my feet.
2 Superior to their smiles or frowns,
On all their goods my soul looks down,
Their pleasures, wealth, and power, and state,
The men that dare their God despise;
The Christian, -he alone is wise:
The Christian, -he alone is great.
O God, let all my life declare,
How happy all thy servants are:
How far above these earthly things;
How pure, when wash’d in Jesu’s Blood,
How intimately one with God,
A heaven born race of priests and kings.
3 For this alone I live below,
The power of godliness to show,
The wonders wrought by Jesu’s name
O that I might but faithful prove!
Witness to all thy pardoning love!
and point them to th’ atoning Lamb;
Let me to every creature cry,
The poor the rich, the low and high,
“Believe, and feel thy sins forgiven I
Damn’d till by Jesus sav’d thou art;
Till Jesu’s blood hath wash’d thy heart. Languages: English
Thy power and saving truth to show