Hymnal: Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs #I.XXVII (1776) Lyrics: 1 When God would manifest his Grace
To Man that he might prove
The Glories of the Father's Face,
And feel his Nature, Love:
He said he would not Sacrifice,
As offer'd by the Law;
All human Merit would despise,
His Presence thence withdraw.
2 Then said the Saviour, Lo, I come
To do thy Will, My God;
He brought his Sons and Daughters home
By pouring out his Blood:
That they with him might enter in
To all the Heav'n of Love;
His Death did make an End of Sin,
The Stumbling-block remove.
3 Thou Lord, a Body didst prepare,
Thy own collected Seed,
For him eternally to wear,
And be the living Head.
Obedient in this Body he
Thy Counsel did fulfil,
Did every Member purify,
And do thy perfect Will.
4 This is the Happiness we prove,
That we the Body are,
Which our great Father in his Love,
For Jesus did prepare:
The Mystery of that conceiv'd
Within the Virgin's Womb;
Which liv'd, and dy'd, and was receiv;d
In Heav'n, rais'd from the Tomb.
5 With Christ in soul and Body one,
We evermore are blest;
Aspiring to the perfect son,
We enter perfect Rest;
Pre-eminence to him is giv'n,
Yet in this glorious Plan,
The Head and Members enter'd Heav'n,
In one exalted Man. Scripture: Hebrews 10:6 Languages: English
When God would manifest his Grace