Author: B. Schmolck; H. A. Brorson Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #237 (1913) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Why art thou cast down, my soul?
O what mean thy sighs and sadness?
Trust in Him who makes thee whole,
And thy griefs can turn to gladness,--
Often in the darkest hour
He reveals His love and power.
2 On this ground thy anchor cast;
Safe thou art, in Christ confiding;
All the griefs which here thou hast
Are but shadows unabiding.
Soon thy cross shall pass away,
Joy shall come that lasts for aye.
3 Christ's own way is always good,
Christians find this consolation:
He who bought thee with His blood,
Now stands pledged for thy salvation.
Rest upon His sacred word--
That assurance doth afford!
4 Jesus gives us joy and tears,
Blesséd be His name forever!
When thy way most dark appears,
Trust in Him, despond thou never;
Weary soul, when sore distressed,
Call on Him and be at rest.
5 Surely, narrow is the way
To the land of gladness yonder;
While on this sad earth we stay,
We must here as pilgrims wander,
Through the desert we must roam,
Till we Canaan reach, our home.
6 Upward, then, my weary soul,
Where the crown of life is given!
Pressing onward to the goal,
I shall win the bliss of heaven;
For, O Jesus, I am Thine,
Blest am I, for Thou art mine! Topics: The Church Year Third Sunday after Epiphany; The Church Year Third Sunday after Epiphany; Cross and Comfort; Hope; Trust in God Tune Title: [Why art thou cast down, my soul?]
Why art thou cast down, my soul?