1 In Vain, O Man of lawless Pow'r,
Thou boast'st thyself in Ill;
Since GOD, who is my Strength and Tow'r,
Vouchsafes his Favour still:
Secur'd by his Almighty Hand,
Your Malice I withstand.
2 Thy Tonge to Mischief still inclin'd,
Doth sland'rous Tales devise;
Thy Heart in malice hath design'd,
To wound with treach'rous Lies;
Thy Thoughts thou dost in Schemes employ,
The Righteous to destroy.
3 Thy Tongue delights in Words, whereby
The Guiltless are oppress'd;
But GOD shall all thy Pow'r defy,
And thou shalt be suppress'd;
The LORD shall not permit thy Stay,
But snatch thee soon away.
4 The Just, who wait with pious Fear
Thy sudden Fall to see;
At last shall find thee quite o'erthrown,
And from thy Ruin flee;
They at the Downfal of thy Pride,
Shall thus thy Joy deride:
5 "See there the Man who GOD defy'd;
"Despis'd his Holy Will,
"And on his Wealth and Art rely'd,
"To be protected still:
"His Pride, which more and more did grow,
"Is now at last brought low."
6 But I am like those Olive Plants,
Which shade GOD's Temple round;
And hope with his refreshing Grace,
To be for ever crown'd:
In his Indulgence I'll rejoice,
And shout with chearful Voice.
7 So shalt thou still, O GOD, be prais'd,
For all thy wond'rous Love,
And thy great Name in Anthems rais'd,
For this thy Saints approve:
While on thy Word I rest secure,
Which stands forever sure.