Hymnal: A Pocket hymn-book, designed as a constant companion for the pious #XXVII (1790) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Ah! whither should I go,
Burden'd, and sick, and faint?
To whom should I my trouble show,
And pour out my complaint?
My Saviour bids me come;
Ah! why do I delay?
He calls the weary sinner home,
And yet from him I stay.
2 What is it keeps me back,
From which I cannot part?
Which will not let the Saviour take
Possession of my heart?
Some cursed thing unknown
Must surely lurk within;
Some idol, which I will not own,
Some secret bosom-sin.
3 Jesu, the hindrance show,
Which I have fear'd to see;
Yet let me now consent to know
What keeps me out of thee.
Searcher of hearts, in mine
Thy trying pow'r display;
Into the darkest corners shine,
And take the veil away.
4 I now believe, in thee
Compassion reigns alone;
According to my faith, to me
O let it, Lord, be done!
In me is all the bar,
Which thou would'st fain remove;
Remove it, and I shall declare,
That God is only love. Topics: Penitential Languages: English
Ah! whither should I go