[Has recibido un destino]

[Has recibido un destino]

Composer: Emilio Vicente Matéu
Published in 6 hymnals

Composer: Emilio Vicente Matéu

(no biographical information available about Emilio Vicente Matéu.) Go to person page >

Tune Information

Title: [Has recibido un destino]
Composer: Emilio Vicente Matéu
Incipit: 32132 16643 24345
Key: c minor or modal
Copyright: © 1980, 1990, Emilio Vicente Matéu y Ediciones Musical PAX-PPC. Adminstradora exclusiva en EE, UU: OCP



Instances (1 - 6 of 6)

Cantemos al Señor #35

Flor y Canto #351

Flor Y Canto (2nd ed.) #701

Flor y Canto (3rd ed.) #676

Flor y Canto (4th ed.) #708

Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #636

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