Title: | SING ALLELUIA (Stassen) |
Composer: | Linda Stassen (1974) |
Meter: | Irregular |
Incipit: | 54321 721 |
Key: | b minor |
Copyright: | © 1974, Linda Stassen. Renewed Linda L. Benjamin, New Song Creations |
Stassen-Benjamin's music appears in various collections with slight variations in the second part. The version here permits continuous singing of the two parts at the distance of one measure. The second part imitates the first part initially and again at the close, but the middle line of the second part is independent. Dale Grotenhuis (PHH 4) provided the harmonization in 1986.
The song can be sung in various ways: (a) have the congregation sing the main melody, and have a choir or any small group sing the second part in the manner of an e ho or descant; (b) divide the singing of the two parts between similar-size groups within the congregation, such as left side and right side, or men and women; (c) use other instruments such as guitars, trumpet, recorder, and handbells, and improvise some percussion rhythms. Sing this music at a moving tempo without breaks between stanzas.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook
Organ Solo
Piano Solo