Meter: in 101 hymnalsTune Sources: Etlich Christlich lider, Wittenberg, 1524; The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941 (Setting)Tune Key: D MajorIncipit: 55557 65453 13456 Used With Text: All Who Believe and Are Baptized
Meter: in 161 hymnalsTune Sources: Bohemian Brethren's 'Kirchengeseng', Berlin, 1566 (original rhythm slightly adapted)Tune Key: D MajorIncipit: 13451 76565 43234 Used With Text: They that believe and are baptized
Appears in 30 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Melchior VulpiusTune Sources: Ein schön geistlich Gesangbuch, 1609Tune Key: F MajorIncipit: 55532 17165 Used With Text: All who believe and are baptized
Meter: in 363 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: John J. OverholtTune Sources: J. Klug's Geistliche Lieder, 1535Tune Key: G MajorIncipit: 11321 22313 45432 Used With Text: He That Believes and Is Baptized
Meter: in 6 hymnals Composer and/or Arranger: Johann CrügerTune Key: G MajorIncipit: 16512 34253 14321 Used With Text: He That Believes and Is Baptized