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Divine Knowledge from Creation

Hymnal: The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the Most Approved Authors #XXVI (1799) Meter: Topics: Creation Proves the being and perfections of God; Creation Proves the being and perfections of God First Line: The book of nature open lies Lyrics: 1 The book of nature open lies, With much instruction stor'd; But till the LORD anoints our eyes, We cannot read a word. 2 The knowledge of the saints excels The wisdom of the schools; To them his secrets God reveals, Tho' men account them fools. 3 To them the sun and stars on high, The flow'rs that paint the field, And all the artless birds that fly, Divine instruction yield. 4 The creatures on their senses press, As witnesses to prove Their Saviour's pow'r and faithfulness, His providence and love. 5 Thus may we study nature's book, To make us wise indeed! And pity those who only look At what they cannot read. Languages: English
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Divine Knowledge from Creation

Hymnal: The Hartford Selection of Hymns #XXVI (1802) Meter: Topics: Creation Proves the being and perfections of God; Creation Proves the being and perfections of God First Line: The book of nature open lies Lyrics: 1 The book of nature open lies, With much instruction stor'd; But till the LORD anoints our eyes, We cannot read a word. 2 The knowledge of the saints excels The wisdom of the schools; To them his secrets God reveals, Tho' men account them fools. 3 To them the sun and stars on high, The flow'rs that paint the field, And all the artless birds that fly, Divine instruction yield. 4 The creatures on their senses press, As witnesses to prove Their Saviour's pow'r and faithfulness, His providence and love. 5 Thus may we study nature's book, To make us wise indeed! And pity those who only look At what they cannot read. Languages: English
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Christ the Beloved described

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #LXXIV (1791) Topics: Being and Perfections of God First Line: Fair Salem's Daughters ask to know Lyrics: 1 Fair Salem's Daughters ask to know Why I should love my Jesus so; What are his Charms, say they, above The Objects of another's Love? 2 Yes, my Beloved, to my Sight Shews a sweet Mixture, Red and White; All human Beauties, all divine, In my Beloved meet and Shine. 3 White is his Soul, from Blemish free; Red was his Blood he shed for me; The Fairest of Ten Thousand Fairs; A Sun among ten Thousand stars. 4 His Head the finest Gold excels; There Wisdom in Perfection dwells, And Glory, like a Crown, adorns Those Temples once best with Thorns. 5 Compassions in his Heart are found, Hard by the signals of his Wound: His Sacred Side no more shall bear The cruel Scourge, the piercing Spear. 6 His Hands are fairer to behold Than Diamonds set in Rings of Gold; Those heav'nly Hands that on the Tree Where nail'd, and torn, and bled for me. 7 Tho' once he bow'd his feeble Knees, Loaded with Sins and Agonies, Now on the Throne of his Command, His Legs like Marble Pillars stand. 8 His Eyes are Majesty and Love, The Eagle temper'd with the Dove; No more shall trickling Sorrows roll, Thro' those dear Windows of his Soul. 9 His Mouth that pour'd out long Complaints, Now smiles, and cheers his fainting Saints; His Countenance more graceful is Than Lebanon with all its Trees. 10 All over Glorious is my Lord, Must be belov'd, and yet ador'd; His Worth if all the nations knew Sure ev'ry one would Love him too. Languages: English
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Ye sons of men, in sacred lays

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #37 (1828) Meter: Topics: Being and Perfections of God Lyrics: 1 Ye sons of men, in sacred lays, Attempt the great Creator's praise; But who an equal song can frame? What verse can reach the lofty theme? 2 He sits enthron'd amidst the spheres, And glory like a garment wears; While boundless wisdom, pow'r, and grace, Command our awe, transcend our praise. 3 Before his throne a shining band Of cherubs and of seraphs stand; Ethereal spirits, who in flgiht Outstrip the rapid speed of light. 4 To God all nature owes its birth, He form'd this pond'rous globe of earth, He raised the glorious arch on high, And measur'd out the azure sky. 5 In all our Maker's grand designs, Omnipotence with wisdom shines. His works, through all this wondrous frame, Bear the great impress of his name. 6 Rais'd on devotion's lofty wing, Let us his high perfections sing: O let his praise employ our tongue, Whilst list'ning worlds applaud the song!
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Strength from Heaven

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CCCXXIX (1791) Topics: Being and Perfections of God First Line: Whence do our mournful Thoughts arise Lyrics: 1 Whence do our mournful Thoughts arise? And where's our Courage fled? Have restless Sin and raging Hell Struck all our Comforts dead? 2 Have we forgot the Almighty Name That form'd the Earth and Sea? And can an all-creating Arm Grow weary, or decay? 3 Treasures of everlasting Might In our Jehovah dwell; He gives the Conquest to the Weak And treads their Foes to Hell. 4 Mere mortal Power shall fade and die, And youthful Vigour cease: But we that wait upon the Lord, Shall feel our Strength increase. 5 The Saints shall mount on eagles Wings, And taste the promis'd Bliss, 'Till their unwearied Feet arrive Where perfect Pleasure is. Scripture: Isaiah 60:27-30
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God is a name my soul adores

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #17 (1828) Meter: Topics: Being and Perfections of God Lyrics: 1 God is a name my soul adores, Th'Almighty Three, the Eternal One! Nature and grace, with all their powers Confess the Infinite unknown. 2 From thy great self thy being springs; Thou art thy own original, Made up of uncreated things, And self-sufficience bears them all. 3 Thy voice produced the seas and spheres, Bids the waves roar and planets shine; But nothing like thyself appears Through all these spacious works of thine. 4 Still restless nature dies and grows; From change to change the creatures run: Thy being no succession knows, And all thy vast designs are one. 5 How shall affrighted mortals dare To sing thy glory or thy grace? Beneath thy feet we lie so far, And see but shadows of thy face! 6 Who can behold this blazing light? Who can approach consuming flame? None but thy wisdom knows thy might, None but thy word can speak thy name.
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Eternal God, almighty cause

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #18 (1828) Meter: Topics: Being and Perfections of God Lyrics: 1 Eternal God, almighty cause Of earth, and seas, and worlds unknown! All things are subject to thy laws; All things depend on thee alone. 2 Thy glorious being singly stands, Of all within itself possest; By none controll'd in thy commands, And in thyself completely blest. 3 To thee alone ourselves we owe; Let heav'n and earth due homage pay: All other gods we disavow, Deny their claims, renounce their sway. 4 In thee, O Lord, our hope shall rest, Fountain of peace and joy and love! Thy favour only makes us blest; Without thee all would nothing prove. 5 Worship to thee alone belongs, Worship to thee alone we give; Thine be our hearts, and thine our songs, And to thy glory we would live. 6 Spread thy great name through heathen lands; Their idol-deities dethrone; Subdue the world to thy commands, And reign as thou art, God alone.
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Praise to the Creator

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #LXXIII (1791) Topics: Being and Perfections of God First Line: Eternal Majesty on High Lyrics: 1 Eternal Majesty on High, Thou God of Pow'r and Love, Thy Hands have spread the starry Sky, And form'd the World above. 2 This Globe below shews forth thy Might, Thy Goodness and thy Skill; The Sun, the Moon, the Day, the Night, Thy Pleasure do fulfil. 3 Beasts, Birds, Fish, Insects all declare Thou art the mighty God; Fire, Hail, and Storms, Earth, Water, Air, Declare thy Name abroad. 4 Trees, Mountains, Rivers, Rocks, and Plains, Gardens, and fruitful Lands, Proclaim "The God of Goodness reigns;" And will while Nature stands. 5 All Things below, and all above, God, Wise, Good, Great proclaim; Then let the Children of his Love Delight to bless his Name. 6 The heav'nly Father, and the Son, And Spirit we adore; 'Tis now as 'twas when Time begun, And shall be evermore.
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God glorious, and Sinners saved

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #LXXV (1791) Topics: Being and Perfections of God First Line: Father, how wide thy Glory shines! Lyrics: 1 Father, how wide thy Glory shines! How high thy Wonders rise! Known thro' the Earth by Thousand Signs, By Thousand thro' the Skies. 2 Those mighty Orbs proclaim thy Pow'r, Their Motions speak thy Skill; And on the Wings of ev'ry Hour We read thy Patience still; 3 Part of thy Name divinely Stands On all thy Creatures writ, They shews the Labour of thy hands, The Impress of thy Feet. 4 But when we View thy grand Design To save rebellious Worms, Where Wisdom Pow'r and Goodness shine, In their most glorious Forms; 5 Our Thoughts are lost in rev'rend Awe; We Love, and we adore; Thy holy Angels never saw So much of GOD before. 6 Here GOD hath made his Nature known, And Thought can never trace, Which of his Glories brightest shone, In our Redeemer's Face. 7 O the sweet Myst'ries of that Cross Where Jesus lov'd and dy'd, Her noblest Life my Spirit draws From his dear wounded Side. 8 Now the full Glories of the LAMB Adorn the heav'nly Plains; Sweet Cherubs learn Immanuel's Name, And try their choicest Strains. 9 O may I bear some humble Part In that immortal Song! Wonder and Joy shall tune my Heart, And love command my Tongue. Languages: English
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The Works of Moses and the Lamb

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CXIV (1791) Topics: Being and Perfections of God First Line: How strong thine Arm is, mighty God! Lyrics: 1 How strong thine Arm is, mighty God! Who would not fear thy Name! Jesus, how sweet thy Graces are! Who would not love the Lamb? 2 He has done more than Moses did Our Prophet and our King; From Bonds of Hell he freed our Souls, And taught our Lips to sing. 3 In the Read-Sea, by Moses' Hand, Th' Egyptian Host was drown'd; But his own Blood hides all our Sins, And Guilt no more is found. 4 When thro' the Desert Israel went, With Manna they were fed: Our Lord invites us to his Flesh, And calls it Living Bread. 5 Moses beheld the promis'd Land, Yet never reached the Place; But Christ shall bring his Followers home, To see his Father's Face. 6 Then shall our Love and Joy be full, And feel a warmer Flame; And sweeter Voices tune the Song Of Moses and the Lamb. Scripture: Revelation 15:3 Languages: English


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