Hymnal: Doctor Watts's Imitation of the Psalms of David, corrected and enlarged, to which is added a collection of hymns; the whole applied to the state of the Christian Church in general (2nd ed.) #74b (1786) Topics: Conscience its guilt relieved; Guilt of Conscience relieved; Conscience its guilt relieved; Guilt of Conscience relieved First Line: Amidst thy wrath remember love Lyrics: 1 Amidst thy wrath remember love,
Restore thy servant, Lord,
Nor let a Father’s chastening prove
Like an avenger’s sword.
2 Thine arrows stick within my heart,
My flesh is sorely prest;
Between the sorrow and the smart
My spirit finds no rest.
3 My sins a heavy load appear,
And o’er my head are gone;
Too heavy they for me to bear,
Too hard for me t’atone.
4 My thoughts are like a troubled sea,
That sinks my comforts down;
And I go mourning all the day
Beneath my Father’s frown.
5 Lord, I am weaken'd and dismay'd,
None of my powers are whole;
My wounds with piercing anguish bleed,
The anguish of my soul.
6 All my desire to thee are known,
Thine eye counts every tear,
And every sigh and every groan
Is notic'd by thine ear.
7 Thou art my God, my only hope;
My God will hear my cry,
My God will bear my spirit up
When Satan bids me die.
8 My foes rejoice whene'er I slide,
To see my virtue fail;
They raise their pleasure and their pride,
Whene'er their wiles prevail.
9 But I’ll confess my guilty ways,
And grieve for all my sin;
I’ll mourn how weak the seeds of grace,
And beg support divine.
10 My God, forgive my follies past,
And be forever nigh;
O Lord of my salvation haste,
Before thy servant die. Scripture: Psalm 38 Languages: English
Guilt of Conscience and Relief; or Repentance and Prayer for Pardon and Health