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Brittannia, rouse thee! queen Isle of the Ocean

Author: Rev. Dwight Williams Hymnal: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book #1388 (1886) Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Lyrics: 1 Brittannia, rouse thee! queen Isle of the Ocean, And strike for the millions that boast of thy fame; Columbia, answer with heart of devotion, And march to the strife in the Conqueror's name. Old land of the brave, Thy flag on the wave, O long may it ride o'er thy enemy's grave! 2 Columbia, fresh as the glow of the morning, And strong in the race of the nations to run; A tyrant is rising, look well to the warning, And honor the name of thine own Washington; Young land of the free, Let all the world see The rapture of freedom still dwelling in thee! 3 And thou, Young Dominion! crowned in earth's story, And bathed in the light of the Temperance Star, Dost shine as a bride in her coronal glory, Our sister land, greeted and praised from afar; Shout back o'er the sea, To the Queen of the Free, Victorious splendor still lingers o'er thee. 4 Brittannia, hasten! Columbia, speed thee! The wide world is waiting a new, holy song; Be brave in the struggle, and onward God lead thee! Till jubilee cometh, exultant and long; The waves of the sea Shall chime with the free, To God in the heaven's the glory shall be. Scripture: Proverbs 14:34 Tune Title: INTERNATIONAL TEMPERANCE HYMN
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Chase the monster from our shore

Author: Anon. Hymnal: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book #1391 (1886) Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs First Line: Hear the temp'rance call Lyrics: 1 Hear the temp'rance call, Freemen one and all, Hear your country's earnest cry; See your native land Lift her beck'ning hand; Sons of freedom, come ye nigh. Chorus: Chase the monster from our shore, Let his cruel reign be o'er; Chase the monster from our shore, Let his cruel reign be o'er. 2 Leave the shop and farm, Leave your bright hearths warm; To the polls? the land to save; Let your leaders be True and noble, free, Fearless, temp'rate, good and grave. [Chorus] 3 Hail! our Fatherland, Here thy children stand, All resolved, united true; In the temp'rance cause Ne'er to faint or pause! This our purpose is, and vow. [Chorus] Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:25 Tune Title: THE TEMPERANCE CALL
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Drink water, pure water

Author: F. E. Belden Hymnal: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book #1378 (1886) Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs First Line: Water, pure water, that sparkles so bright Lyrics: 1 Water, pure water, that sparkles so bright, Beautiful, fresh and free! Falling from heaven like jewels of light, Falling for you and me; Fresh from the bountiful Giver of all, Nothing so pure can be; This is the song of the showers that fall Over the lake and lea: Chorus: Drink water, pure water, Drink water, pure water, Drink, drink, drink, Drink, drink, drink, drink, Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, Drink pure water. 2 Water, pure water, for young and for old, Poured by the hand divine; Give me pure water so healthful and cold, Fill up this cup of mine; Sweet is the breath of the blossoming spring, Kissed by the silver rain; Gay is the song that the little birds sing Over the hill and plain: [Chorus] 3 Water, pure water, yes this is the song, This is the theme for you; This is the drink for the youthful and strong, Pure as the morning dew. This is the gift from our Father's own hand, In every land 'tis found; This is the song of the temperance band Echoed the world around: [Chorus] Scripture: Matthew 5:45 Tune Title: WATER, PURE WATER
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Ring it out! ring it out!

Author: E. P. Hakes Hymnal: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book #1380 (1886) Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs First Line: Ring it out! ring it out on ev'ry hand Lyrics: 1 Ring it out! ring it out on ev'ry hand, Reformation has begun. Ring it out! ring it out through all the land; Victory is almost won. 'Tis war to the death with wine and beer, With ale and gin and whiskey too; Then join in our union, never fear, Be earnest, faithful, firm, and true. Chorus: Ring it out! ring it out! Let the reign of peace begin! Ring it out with a shout! Temperance is bound to win! 2 Ring the bells in the East and in the West; Reformation has begun. All unite in the war cry do your best; Let the work be grandly done. Then raise up the standard, swell the song, And press the foe on ev'ry field, Till justice shall triumph over wrong, Be earnest, faithful, firm, and true. [Chorus] 3 Ring it out! ring it out in ev'ry home; Reformation has begun. Let the young hear the call, let old age come, Ev'ry heart should join as one. Then labor at morn and work at noon, Nor rest when ev'ning shadows fall; For victory grand shall crown us soon, And truth and right shall reign o'er all. [Chorus] Scripture: Isaiah 58:1 Tune Title: RING IT OUT
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There's a battle song to sing

Author: Dwight Williams Hymnal: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book #1381 (1886) Topics: Bible Songs Temperance Songs Lyrics: 1 There's a battle song to sing, An alarm bell loud to ring; There's a drumbeat to be heard, And a nation to be stirred; Strike the key note, ring it out, Send it with a loyal shout Send it with a loyal shout; Loud and long, loud and long, loud and long; Strike the key note bold and strong. 2 Think it not a skirmish light, 'Tis to be a nation's fight! Cities, towns, shall feel the stroke, Hills be darkened with the smoke, Horse and foot in battle heat Shall together clashing meet, Shall together clashing meet; Not in play, not in play, not in play; It shall be a sturdy fray. 3 Hail! Columbia, dare to be God's peculiar land and free; Brothers, let the key note ring, Mothers, pray, and children, sing; Drive the traffic to the wall; Prohibition! shout it, all, Prohibition! shout it, all; Pray and vote! pray and vote, pray and vote, And ring out a grand key note. Scripture: 2 Chronicles 20:15 Tune Title: KEY NOTE SONG
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The Evangel of the Kingdom

Hymnal: The Psalter #257 (1912) Meter: Topics: Temperance Songs First Line: O sing a new song to the Lord Lyrics: 1 O sing a new song to the Lord, Sing all the earth to God; In daily praises bless His Name And tell His grace abroad. Among the nations far and wide His glory celebrate; To all the peoples of the earth His wondrous works relate. 2 The Lord is great above all gods, Let glad hosannas rise; The heathen gods are idols vain; Jehovah made the skies. Great honor is before his face, And majesty divine; Within His holy dwelling-place Both strength and beauty shine. 3 Let all the peoples of the earth Give glory to the Lord, Give Him the glory due His Name And strength to Him accord; With off'rings come ye to His courts, In holy beauty bow, Let all the earth with rev'rence come And serve Jehovah now. 4 To all the nations of the earth The blessed tidings bring; Tell all the world Jehovah reigns, The universal King. The world shall therefore stand unmoved, Established by His might; And just is He to judge the wrong And vindicate the right. 5 Let heav'n and earth and sounding sea To Him glad tribute bring; Let field and wood and all therein Before Jehovah sing; For, lo, He comes to judge the earth, And all the world shall see His everlasting faithfulness, His truth and equity. Scripture: Psalm 96 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. LEONARD
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The Message of Redemption

Hymnal: The Psalter #258 (1912) Meter: Topics: Temperance Songs First Line: O sing a new song to the Lord Lyrics: 1 O sing a new song to the Lord, Sing all the earth and bless His Name; From day to day His praise record, The Lord's redeeming grace proclaim. 2 Tell all the world His wondrous ways, Tell heathen nations far and near; Great is the Lord, and great His praise, And Him alone let nations fear. 3 The heathen gods are idols vain; The shining heav'ns the Lord supports; Both light and honor lead His train, While strength and beauty fill His courts. 4 Let ev'ry tongue and ev'ry tribe Give to the Lord due praise and sing; All glory unto Him ascribe, Come, throng His courts, and off'rings bring. 5 O fear and bow, adorned with grace, And tell each land that God is King; The earth He founded in its place, And justice to the world will bring. 6 Let heaven be glad, let earth rejoice, The teeming sea resound with praise; Let waving fields lift high their voice. And all the trees their anthem raise. 7 So let them shout before our God, For, lo, He comes, He comes with might, To wield the scepter and the rod, To judge the world with truth and right. Scripture: Psalm 96 Languages: English Tune Title: LUCILE
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The Victories of Jesus Christ

Hymnal: The Psalter #261 (1912) Topics: Temperance Songs First Line: Sing a new song to Jehovah Lyrics: 1 Sing a new song to Jehovah For the wonders He hath wrought; His right hand and arm most holy Triumph in His cause have brought. In His love and tender mercy he hath made salvation known, In the sight of ev'ry nation He His righteousness hath shown. 2 Truth and mercy tow'rd His people He hath ever kept in mind, And His full and free salvation He hath shown to all mankind. Sing, O earth, sing to Jehovah, Praises to Jehovah sing; With the swelling notes of music Shout before the Lord, the King. 3 Seas with all your fullness thunder, All earth's peoples now rejoice; Floods and hills in praise uniting To the Lord lift up your voice. For, behold, Jehovah cometh, Robed in justice and in might; He alone will judge the nations, And His judgment shall be right. Scripture: Psalm 98 Languages: English Tune Title: AUSTRIAN HYMN
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Exultant Praise

Hymnal: The Psalter #406 (1912) Meter: Topics: Temperance Songs First Line: Praise ye the Lord among His saints Lyrics: 1 Praise ye the Lord among His saints, New songs of gladness sing; Let Zion's children praise and bless Their Maker and their King, Their Maker and their King. 2 Yea, let them praise His blessed name With all abounding joy, The sounding timbrel and the harp In songs of praise employ, In songs of praise employ. 3 the Lord takes pleasure in His satins, he is His people's strength, And He will glorify the meek With victory at length, With victory at length. 4 Ye saints, by day and night rejoice, Exult and joyful stand, Jehovah's praises in your mouth, His sword within your hand, His sword within your hand. 5 This is the glorious judgment giv'n: His saints shall rule the earth; Then bless the Lord, His glory tell, And celebrate His worth, And celebrate His worth. Scripture: Psalm 149 Languages: English Tune Title: CHRISTMAS
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Missionary Triumphs

Hymnal: The Psalter #264 (1912) Meter: Topics: Temperance Songs First Line: Come, let us sing before the Lord Lyrics: 1 Come, let us sing before the Lord New songs of praise with sweet accord, For wonders great by Him are done, His mighty arm has vict'ry won. 2 The great salvation of our God Is seen through all the earth abroad; Before the nations; wond'ring sight He has revealed His truth and right. 3 He called to mind the truth and grace Bestowed upon His chosen race, And unto earth's remotest bound Glad tidings of salvation sound. 4 All lands, to God lift up your voice, Sing praise to Him, with shouts rejoice; With voice of joy and loud acclaim Let all unite and praise His Name. 5 Praise ye the Lord with harp and song, With voice of psalms His praise prolong; In swelling chorus gladly sing And shout before the Lord the King. 6 Let earth be glad, let ocean roar, And praises sound from shore to shore; Let floods and hills with glad accord Show forth their joy before the Lord. 7 For lo, He comes; at His command All nations shall in judgment stand; In justice robed, and throned in light, The Lord shall judge, dispensing right. Scripture: Psalm 98 Languages: English Tune Title: GILEAD


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