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To Thee our God we fly

Author: W. W. How Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #518 (1913) Meter: Topics: Various Occassions National Lyrics: 1 To Thee our God we fly For mercy and for grace; O hear our lowly cry, And hide not Thou Thy face. O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our fatherland. 2 Arise, O Lord of hosts; Be jealous for Thy name, And drive from out our coasts The sins that put to shame. O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our fatherland. 3 Thy best gifts from on high In rich abundance pour, That we may magnify And praise Thee more and more. O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our fatherland. 4 The powers ordained by Thee, With heavenly wisdom bless; May they Thy servants be, And rule in righteousness. O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our fatherland. 5 The Church of Thy dear Son Inflame with love's pure fire, Bind her once more in one, And life and truth inspire. O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our fatherland. 6 Give peace, Lord, in our time; O let no foe draw nigh, Nor lawless deed of crime Insult Thy Majesty. O Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our fatherland. Tune Title: [To Thee our God we fly]
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God bless our native land!

Author: C. T. Brooks ; J. S. Dwight Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #519 (1913) Topics: Various Occassions National Lyrics: 1 God bless our native land! Firm may she ever stand, Through storm and night; When the wild tempests rave, Ruler of wind and wave, Do Thou our country save By Thy great might. 2 For her our prayers shall rise To God above the skies; On Him we wait: Thou who art ever nigh, Guarding with watchful eye, To Thee aloud we cry, God save the state! Tune Title: [God bless our native land!]
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Before the Lord we bow

Author: F. S. Key Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #520 (1913) Meter: Topics: Various Occassions National Lyrics: 1 Before the Lord we bow, The God who reigns above, And rules the world below, Boundless in power and love. Our thanks we bring In joy and praise, Our hearts we raise To heaven's high King. 2 The nation Thou hast blest May well Thy love declare, From foes and fears at rest, Protected by Thy care. For this fair land, For this bright day, Our thanks we pay-- Gifts of Thy hand. 3 May every mountain height, Each vale and forest green, Shine in Thy word's pure light, And its rich fruits be seen! May every tongue Be tuned to praise, And join to raise A grateful song. 4 Earth! hear thy Maker's voice, The great Redeemer own, Believe, obey, rejoice, And worship Him alone; Cast down thy pride, Thy sin deplore, And bow before The Crucified. 5 And when in power He comes, O may our native land, From all its rending tombs, Send forth a glorious band, A countless throng Ever to sing To heaven's high King Salvation's song. Tune Title: [Before the Lord we bow]
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Forsake me not, my God

Author: S. Franck Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #521 (1913) Meter: Topics: Various Occassions Day of Common Prayer Lyrics: 1 Forsake me not, my God, Thou God of my salvation! Give me Thy light, to be My sure illumination. My soul to folly turns, Seeking she knows not what: O lead her to Thyself; My God, forsake me not! 2 Forsake me not, my God! Take not Thy Spirit from me, And suffer not the might Of sin to overcome me. A father pitieth The children be begot; My Father, pity me! My God, forsake me not! 3 Forsake me not, my God, Thou God of life and power! Enliven, strengthen me, In every evil hour: And when the sinful fire Within my heart is hot, Be not Thou far from me: My God, forsake me not! 4 Forsake me not, my God! Uphold me in my going, That evermore I may Please Thee in all well-doing; And that Thy will, O Lord, May never be forgot In all my works and ways: My God, forsake me not! 5 Forsake me not, my God! I would be Thine for ever: Confirm me mightily In every right endeavor: And when my hour is come, Cleansed from all stain and spot Of sin, receive my soul: My God, forsake me not! Tune Title: [Forsake me not, my God]
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Not in anger, mighty God

Author: J. G. Albinus Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #522 (1913) Meter: Topics: Various Occassions Day of Common Prayer Lyrics: 1 Not in anger, mighty God, Not in anger smite us. We must perish if Thy rod Justly should requite us. We are naught, Sin hath brought, Lord, Thy wrath upon us, Yet have mercy on us! 2 Show me now a Father's love, And His tender patience, Heal my wounded soul, remove These too sore temptations; I am weak, Father, speak Thou of peace and gladness, Comfort Thou my sadness. 3 Weary am I of my pain, Weary with my sorrow, Sighing still for help in vain, Longing for the morrow; Why wilt Thou Tarry now? Wilt Thou friendless leave me, And of hope bereave me? 4 Hence, ye foes! He comes in grace, God hath deigned to hear me; I may come before His face, He is inly near me; He o'erthrows All my foes, Death and hell are vanquished In whose bonds I languished. 5 Father, hymns to Thee we raise, Here and once in heaven! And the Son and Spirit praise, Who our bonds have riven! Evermore We adore Thee whose grace hath stirred us, And whose pity heard us. Tune Title: [Not in anger, mighty God]
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Alas, my God! my sins are great

Author: J. Gross Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #523 (1913) Topics: Various Occassions Day of Common Prayer Lyrics: 1 Alas, my God! my sins are great, My conscience doth upbraid me; And now I find that at my strait No man hath power to aid me. 2 And fled I hence, in my despair, In some lone spot to hide me, My griefs would still be with me there, Thy hand still hold and guide me. 3 Nay, Thee I seek;--I merit naught, Yet pity and restore me; Be not Thy wrath, just God, my lot, Thy Son hath suffered for me. 4 If pain and woe must follow sin, Then be my path still rougher; Here spare me not; if heaven I win, On earth I gladly suffer. 5 But curb my heart, forgive my guilt, Make Thou my patience firmer, For they must miss the good Thou wilt, Who at Thy teachings murmur. 6 Then deal with me as seems Thee best, Thy grace will help me bear it, If but at last I see Thy rest, And with my Savior share it. Tune Title: [Alas, my God! my sins are great]
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When in the hour of utmost need

Author: P. Eber Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #524 (1913) Meter: Topics: Various Occassions Day of Common Prayer Lyrics: 1 When in the hour of utmost need We know not where to look for aid; When days and nights of anxious thought No help nor counsel yet have brought; 2 Then this our comfort is alone, That we may meet before Thy throne, And cry, O faithful God, to Thee For rescue from our misery; 3 To Thee may raise our hearts and eyes, Repenting sore with bitter sighs, And seek Thy pardon for our sin, And respite from our griefs within. 4 For Thou hast promised, graciously To hear all those who cry to Thee, Through Him whose name alone is great, Our Savior and our advocate. 5 And thus we come, O God, today, And all our woes before Thee lay; For tried, afflicted, lo! we stand, Peril and foes on very hand. 6 Ah, hide not for our sins Thy face; Absolve us through Thy boundless grace; Be with us in our anguish still, Free us at last from every ill. 7 That so with all our hearts may we Once more our glad thanksgiving pay, And walk obedient to Thy word, And now and ever praise Thee, Lord. Tune Title: [When in the hour of utmost need]
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We hail Thee, Lord, Thy Church's rock

Author: N. L. von Zinzendorf Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #525 (1913) Topics: Various Occassions Reformation Day Lyrics: 1 We hail Thee, Lord, Thy Church's rock, With joyful acclamation! Thou guardian Shepherd of Thy flock, Come, feed Thy congregation. We own the doctrine of Thy cross To be our sole foundation: Accept from every one of us The deepest adoration. 2 O Thou, who always dost abide Thy Church's head and Savior, Be still Thy servants' constant guide, Direct our whole behavior. Thy statutes to Thy Church declare, Still watch o'er its salvation: Each member make Thy special care And aid him in his station. 3 Jesus, the Church's head and Lord, Who as a shepherd leadest, And with Thy sacrament and word Thy people richly feedest: For mercies in such countless throng We bow our hearts before Thee, And hope we shall in heaven ere long More worthily adore Thee. Tune Title: [We hail Thee, Lord, Thy Church's rock]
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Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice

Author: M. Luther Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #526 (1913) Meter: Topics: Various Occassions Reformation Day Lyrics: 1 Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice, With exultation springing, And, with united heart and voice, And holy rapture singing, Proclaim the wonders God hath done, How His right arm the victory won; Right dearly it hath cost Him. 2 Fast bound in Satan’s chains I lay, Death brooded darkly o’er me, Sin was my torment night and day, In sin my mother bore me; Deeper and deeper still I fell, Life had become a living hell, So firmly sin possessed me. 3 My good works so imperfect were, They had no power to aid me; My will God's judgments could not bear, Yea, prone to evil made me; Grief drove me to despair, and I Had nothing left me but to die; To hell I fast was sinking. 4 Then God beheld my wretched state With deep commiseration; He thought upon His mercy great, And willed my soul’s salvation. He turned to me a Father's heart; Not small the cost! to heal my smart, He gave His best and dearest. 5 He spoke to His beloved Son: ’Tis time to have compassion: Then go, bright Jewel of my crown, And bring to man salvation; From sin and sorrow set him free, Slay bitter death for him, that he May live with Thee forever. 6 The Son obeyed Him cheerfully, And born of virgin mother, Came down upon the earth to me, That He might be my brother; His mighty power doth work unseen, He came in fashion poor and mean, And took the Devil captive. 7 He sweetly said, Hold fast by me, I am thy rock and castle; Thy ransom I myself will be, For thee I strive and wrestle; For I am with thee, I am thine, And evermore thou shalt be mine, The foe shall not divide us. 8 The Foe shall shed My precious blood, Me of my life bereaving; All this I suffer for thy good, Be steadfast and believing: Life shall from death the victory win, My innocence shall bear thy sin, So art thou blest forever. 9 Now to My Father I depart, From earth to heaven ascending, Thence heavenly wisdom to impart, The Holy Spirit sending: He shall in trouble comfort thee, Teach thee to know and follow me, And to the truth conduct thee. 10 What I have done and taught, teach thou, My ways forsake thou never; So shall my kingdom flourish now, And God be praised forever: Take heed lest men with base alloy The heavenly treasure should destroy; This counsel I bequeath thee. Tune Title: [Dear Christians, one and all, rejoice]
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Had God not come, may Israel say

Author: M. Luther Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #527 (1913) Meter: Topics: Various Occassions Reformation Day Lyrics: 1 Had God not come, may Israel say, Had God not come to aid us, Our enemies on that sad day Would surely have dismayed us; A remnant now, and handful small, Held in contempt and scorn by all, Who cruelly would oppress us. 2 Their furious wrath, did God permit, Would quickly have consumed us, And in the deep and yawning pit With life and limb entombed us; Like men o'er whom dark waters roll, The streams had gone e'en o'er our soul, And mightily o'erwhelmed us. 3 Thanks be to God, who from the pit Snatched us, when it was gaping: Our souls, like birds that break the net, To the blue sky escaping; The snare is broken--we are free! The Lord our Helper praiséd be, The God of earth and heaven. Tune Title: [Had God not come, may Israel say]


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