1 Around the great white throne,
In heaven’s bright abode,
Ten thousand thousand children
Sing praises to their God.
Alleluia! How they sing!
Alleluia to their King!
2 Because the Saviour bought them
With His most precious blood,
These happy, white robed, children
Have reached that blest above.
Alleluia! How they sing!
Alleluia to their King!
3 And all earth’s little children
Who love the Saviour’s name
May join the heav’nly chorus,
His praises to proclaim.
Alleluia! They may sing!
Alleluia to their King!
4 Lord Jesus, King of Heaven,
O, keep us in Thy love,
That we may join the ransomed throng
Who praise Thy name above.
Evermore with them to sing
Alleluia to our King.
Source: Hymns We Love, for Sunday Schools and All Devotional Meetings #82