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Tune Identifier:"^benediction_mann$"

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Jesus Took the Lambs and Blessed Them

Author: Matthias Loy Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Jesus took the lambs and blessed them, When they came to Him of old, Fondly in His arms caressed them, Bade them welcome in His fold, Warmly welcomed, When disciples' hearts were cold. 2 Jesus calls them still with kindness Passing every mortal thought, Bids them come, while human blindness Still would chide when they are brought, Take and blesses, Whom He hath so dearly bought. 3 Jesus, we would not forbid them, We would have them brought to Thee; Thou of all their guilt dost rid them, From the curse dost set them free, Thine dost make them-- Thine let them forever be! Amen. Topics: The Means of Grace Baptism; St. Michael's Day; Vows Of Baptism Scripture: Mark 10:16 Used With Tune: ORIENT MORNING

Darkness Long Hath Veiled The Nations

Author: William H. Bathurst Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Darkness long hath veiled the nations, And a guilty world appears Full of cruel habitations, Strife and hatred, groans and tears; Lord of mercy, May we look for brighter years? 2 Yes, we hear Thy word declaring That all hearts shall bow to Thee; That Thy mercy is preparing To fulfill the high decree; And that shortly Satan’s captives shall be free. 3 Savior, though by man rejected, Pity our apostate race; Let those years, so long expected, Rich with Heaven’s unbounded grace, Soon refresh us With the brightness of Thy face. 4 Rouse the heathen from their slumbers, With a loud awakening call; Bring them in increasing numbers Humbly at Thy feet to fall; Reign amongst us, Honored, loved, and served by all Used With Tune: BENEDICTION Text Sources: Psalms and Hymns, 1831
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On the Mountain's Top Appearing

Author: Thomas Kelly Meter: Appears in 596 hymnals Lyrics: 1 On the mountain's top appearing, Lo! the sacred herald stands, Welcome news to Zion bearing, Zion long in hostile lands. Mourning captive, God Himself shall loose thy bands, 2 Has thy night been long and mournful? Have thy friends unfaithful proved? Have thy foes been proud and scornful, By thy sighs and tears unmoved? Cease thy mourning; Zion still is well beloved. 3 God, thy God, will now restore thee; He Himself appears thy Friend; All thy foes shall flee before thee; Here their boasts and triumphs end: Great deliverance Zion's King will surely send. 4 Enemies no more shall trouble; All thy wrongs shall be redressed: For thy loss thou shalt have double, In thy Maker's favor blest: All thy conflicts End in everlasting rest. Amen. Topics: The Church General; Zion, the Church Scripture: Isaiah 52:7 Used With Tune: ORIENT MORNING

God of Our Salvation! Hear Us

Author: Thomas Kelly Meter: Appears in 84 hymnals Lyrics: 1. God of our salvation! hear us; Bless, O bless us, ere we go; When we join the world, be near us, Lest we cold and careless grow. Savior! keep us, Keep us safe from every foe. 2. As our steps are drawing nearer To our everlasting home May our view of Heav’n grow clearer, Hope more bright of joys to come; And, when dying, May Thy presence cheer the gloom. Used With Tune: BENEDICTION (Mann)
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Saints of God the dawn is brightening

Author: Mary Robertson Maxwell Appears in 80 hymnals Topics: The Church of God Missions and Growth Used With Tune: BENEDICTION
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Why those fears? Behold, 'tis Jesus

Author: A.H. Mann Meter: Appears in 19 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Why those fears? Behold, 'tis Jesus Holds the helm and guides the ship: Spread the sails, and catch the breezes Sent to waft us through the deep; To the regions Where the mourners cease to weep. 2 Though the shore we hope to land on Only by report is known, Yet we freely all abandon, Led by that report alone; And with Jesus Through the trackless deep move on. 3 Led by that, we brave the ocean; Led by that, the storms defy; Calm amidst tumultuous motion, Knowing that our Lord in nigh: Waves obey Him, And the storms before Him fly. 4 O what pleasures there await us: There the tempests cease to rear; There it is that those who hate us Can molest our peace no more; Trouble ceases On that tranquil happy shore. Topics: The Church Year Fourth Sunday after Epiphany; The Church Year Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Used With Tune: [Why those fears? Behold, 'tis Jesus]

Lo! He Cometh!

Author: John Cennick Meter: Appears in 157 hymnals First Line: Lo! He cometh! countless trumpets Lyrics: 1. Lo! He cometh! countless trumpets Blow to raise the sleeping dead! ’Mid ten thousand saints and angels, See the great exalted Head! Hallelujah! Welcome, welcome, Son of God! 2. Full of joyful expectation, Saints behold their Lord appear; Truth and justice go before Him; Now the joyful sentence hear! Hallelujah! Welcome sounds throughout the air! 3. Come, ye blessèd of My Father, Enter into life and joy! Banish all your fears and sorrows, Endless praise be your employ! Hallelujah! Welcome, welcome to the skies. 4. Now at once they rise to glory, Jesus brings them to the King; There with all the hosts of Heaven, They eternal anthems sing: Hallelujah! Boundless glory to the Lamb! This is the earliest known printed version of the text, from Cennick’s Collection of Sacred Hymns, fifth edition (Dublin: Samuel Powell, 1752): 1. Lo! He cometh, countless trumpets Blow before His bloody sign! ’Midst ten thousand saints and angels, See the Crucified shine. Allelujah! Welcome, welcome, bleeding Lamb! 2. Now His merits by the harpers, Thro’ the eternal deep resounds! Now resplendent shine His nail-prints, Every eye shall see His wounds; They who pierced Him, Shall at His appearing wail. 3. Every island, sea, and mountain, Heaven and earth shall flee away! All who hate Him must, ashamed, Hear the trump proclaim His day: Come to judgment! Stand before the Son of Man! 4. All who love Him view His glory, Shining in His bruised face: His dear person on the rainbow, Now His people’s heads shall raise: Happy mourners! Now on clouds He comes! He comes! 5. Now redemption, long expected, See, in solemn pomp appear: All His people, once despised, Now shall meet Him in the air: Allelujah! Now the promised kingdom’s come! 6. View Him smiling, now determined Every evil to destroy! All the nations now shall sing Him Songs of everlasting joy! O come quickly! Allelujah! come Lord, come! Used With Tune: BENEDICTION (Mann)

'Mid the Splendors of the Glory

Author: William Reed Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1. ’Mid the splendors of the glory, Which we hope ere long to share; Christ our Head, and we His members, Shall appear divinely fair. Oh, how wondrous! When we meet Him in the air! 2. From the dateless, timeless periods, He has loved us without cause; And for all His blood-bought myriads, His is love that knows no pause. Matchless Lover! Changeless as the eternal laws! 3. Oh what gifts shall yet be granted, Palms, and crowns, and robes of white, When the hope for which we panted, Bursts upon our gladdened sight, And our Savior Makes us glorious through His might. 4. Bright the prospect soon that greets us Of that longed-for nuptial day, When our heavenly Bridegroom meets us On His kingly, conquering way; In the glory, Bride and Bridegroom reign for aye! Used With Tune: BENEDICTION (Mann) Text Sources: Our Own Hymn-Book, by Charles H. Spurgeon, 1868, number 342

See, Ye Heirs Of Sure Salvation

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 See, ye heirs of sure salvation, Jesu’s most majestic grace, At His final revelation, While He pompously displays All His glories, All the Godhead in His face! 2 From the mystic volume hearing How His kingdom is restored, Look ye for His last appearing: True to His prophetic word, Lo, He cometh! Go ye forth to meet your Lord. 3 To His royal proclamation Manifested here, attend, In His state of exaltation While He doth with clouds descend, Brings the kingdom, Gives the joy that ne’er shall end. 4 Power is all to Jesus given: All His foes must fall before The great King of earth and Heaven, When He takes His royal power! Now assume it, Jesus, reign forevermore! Used With Tune: BENEDICTION Text Sources: Short Hymns on Select Passages of Holy Scripture, (Bristol, England: E. Farley, 1762 ) Vol. II

Fly, Ye Seasons

Author: Thomas Kelly Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster Lyrics: 1. Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster; Let the glorious day come on, When we shall behold our Master Seated on His heavenly throne; Then the Savior Shall descend to claim His own. 2. What is earth with all its treasures, To the joy the Gospel brings? Well may we resign its pleasures, Jesus gives us better things; All His people Draw from Heaven’s eternal springs. 3. But if here we taste of pleasure, What will Heaven itself afford? There our joy will know no measure; There we shall behold our Lord; There His people Shall obtain their bright reward. 4. Fly, ye seasons, fly still faster; Swiftly bring the glorious day; Jesus, come, our Lord and Master! Come from Heaven without delay; Take Thy people, Take, O take us hence away! Used With Tune: BENEDICTION (Mann)


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