1 God bless our Gospel workers,
An army grand and strong;
God help you in your battles,
To crush out ev’ry wrong;
Your Captain goes before you,
He leads you to the fray;
His arm will never fail you,
He’ll surely win the day.
Fling out the banner, the Gospel banner,
And sing the victor’s song,
And sing the victor’s song;
To Christ Immanuel, your King
In glad hosannas your praises loud prolong.
2 The foes is strong and mighty,
His plots are deep as hell;
He spreads his crafty meshes,
His victims, who can tell?
But God our Lord Jehovah
Will not betray our trust;
He’ll conquer Satan’s legions,
And beat them into dust. [Refrain]
3 The promise stands eternal,
The King of kings shall reign,
O’er land and sea and nation,
O’er all our broad domain;
Good cheer, then, comrades, surely
Should speed us on our way;
Each soul won for the Kingdom
Will hasten on the day. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of the Kingdom: prepared for the use of young people's societies and adapter for prayer meetings, Sunday schools and the home #204