Author: Michael Bruce Appears in 184 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Behold, the mountain of the Lord
In latter days shall rise
Above the mountains and the hills,
And draw the wondering eyes.
2 To this the joyful nations round,
All tribes and tongues, shall flow;
"Up to the hill of God," they say,
"And to His house we’ll go."
3 The beam that shines from Zion's hill
Shall lighten every land:
The King who reigns in Zion’s towers
Shall all the world command.
4 No strife shall vex Messiah's reign,
Or mar the peaceful years;
To ploughshares men shall beat their swords,
To pruning-hooks their spears.
5 Come then, oh, come from every land,
To worship at His shrine;
And, walking in the light of God,
With holy beauties shine.
Amen. Topics: Kingdom of Christ Blessings of; Missions Used With Tune: HENRY
Behold, the mountain of the Lord