1 Jesus is your only refuge,
Quickly fly to Him,
He will keep you from all evil,—
Cleanse you from all sin.
He’s the Rock of your salvation,
Build on Him today,
Earthly pleasures fast are fading
And will pass away.
2 Have you friends on earth who love you?
Christ excells them all;
He will hear you when in trouble
If on Him you call.
Not a sparrow ever falleth
That He doeth not see,
How much more thou art to Jesus,
For He died for thee.
3 Come then, to this only refuge,
Haste, O haste away;
By His Spirit, Jesus calls you,
Come, O come today.
Though your sins around you gather—
High as mountains be,
He will pardon and forgive you,—
He will set you free.
Source: The Chorus of Praise: for use in Sunday Schools, Young People's Meetings, Revivals, Prayer Meetings, and All the Social Services of the Church #29