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Tune Identifier:"^josephine_kroeger$"

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O Lord of Nations

Author: Laurie F. Gauger, b. 1965 Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: O Lord of nations, hear our prayer Topics: Nation Scripture: 2 Chronicles 20:6 Used With Tune: JOSEPHINE

Almighty Framer Of The Skies

Author: Thomas Chatterton, 1752-1770 Meter: 8.8.6 D Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Almighty framer of the skies! Lyrics: 1 Almighty framer of the skies! O let our pure devotion rise, Like incense in Thy sight! Wrapped in impenetrable shade The texture of our souls was made, Till Thy command gave light. 2 The Sun of glory gleamed the ray, Refined the darkness into day, And bid the vapors fly: Impelled by His eternal love, He left His palaces above, To cheer our gloomy sky. 3 How shall we celebrate the day When God appeared in mortal clay, The mark of worldly scorn; When the archangel’s heavenly lays Attempted the Redeemer’s praise, And hailed salvation’s morn? 4 A humble form the Godhead wore, The pains of poverty He bore, To gaudy pomp unknown: Though in a humble walk He trod, Still was the man Almighty God, In glory all His own. 5 Despised, oppressed, the Godhead bears The torments of this vale of tears, Nor bids His vengeance rise; He saw the creatures He had made Revile His power, His peace invade; He saw with mercy’s eyes. 6 How shall we celebrate His name, Who groaned beneath a life of shame, In all afflictions tried? The soul is raptured to conceive A truth which being must believe: The God eternal died. 7 My soul, exert thy powers, adore, Upon devotion’s plumage soar, To celebrate the day: The God from whom creation sprung Shall animate my grateful tongue; From Him I’ll catch the lay! Used With Tune: JOSEPHINE

Thus Hath The Son Of Jesse Said

Author: Philip Doddridge, 1702-1751 Meter: 8.8.6 D Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Thus hath the Son of Jesse said, When Israel’s God had raised his head To high imperial sway: Struck with his last poetic fire, Then Zion’s psalmist tuned his lyre To this harmonious lay. 2 Thus dictates Israel’s sacred Rock: Thus hath the God of Jacob spoke By my responsive tongue: Behold the just one over men Commencing his religious reign! Great subject of my song. 3 So gently shines with genial ray Th’unclouded lamp of rising day, And cheers the tender flowers, When midnight’s soft diffusive rain Hath blessed the gardens and the plain With kind refreshing showers. 4 Shall not my house this honor boast? My soul th’eternal covenant trust, Well ordered still and sure? There all my hopes and wishes meet; In death I call its blessings sweet, And feel its bond secure. 5 The sons of Belial shall not spring, Who spurn at Heav’n’s appointed king, And scorn his high command: Tho’ wide the briars infest the ground, And all the sharpest thorns around Defy a tender hand. 6 A dreadful warrior shall appear With iron arms, and massy spear, And tear them from their place: Touched with the lightning of his ire, At once they kindle into fire, And vanish in the blaze. Used With Tune: JOSEPHINE Text Sources: Published posthumously in Hymns Founded on Various Texts in the Holy Scriptures, by Job Orton (J. Eddowes and J. Cotton, 1755)

Fret Not Thyself

Meter: 8.8.6 D Appears in 7 hymnals First Line: Fret not thyself, nor envoius be Topics: Contentment; Discontent; Patience; Punishment Of The Wicked; Rewards Of The Righteous; Righteous And Wicked Contrasted; Vanity Of Riches Scripture: Psalm 37 Used With Tune: JOSEPHINE

The Bridegroom Coming At Midnight

Author: William C. Dix Meter: 8.8.6 D Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Dark fall the hours this winter-tide Lyrics: 1 Dark fall the hours this winter-tide, Strange silence reigns on every side, And day seems wrapped in gloom, Save few short hours, which, all too brief, Light up bare tree and fallen leaf, Then fade in hapless doom. 2 Now let each lamp be burning bright, Lest, unaware, the sudden night Enshroud us in the dark, And we in vain, through snow and cold, With wavering feet, seek out the fold, And Love’s all sheltering ark. 3 O silent hours of wintry days, From summer’s joy and golden rays, From autumn’s harvest song, We turn to you, for ye reveal The waiting bride, and make us feel, The Bridegroom comes ere long. Used With Tune: JOSEPHINE Text Sources: A Vision of All Saints, and Other Poems (London; John Hodges, 1871)

O Thou, The Helpless Orphan's Hope

Author: William B. Collyer, 1782-1854 Meter: 8.8.6 D Appears in 19 hymnals First Line: O Thou, the helpless orphan’s hope Lyrics: 1 O Thou, the helpless orphan’s hope To whom alone my eyes look up In each distressing day! Father (for that’s the sweetest name That e’er these lips were taught to frame), Instruct this heart to pray. 2 Low in the dust my parents lie, And no attentive ear is nigh But Thine, to mark my woe; No hand to wipe away my tears, No gentle voice to hush my fears, Remains to me below. 3 To Heav’n my earthly friends are gone, And thither are my comforts flown, But I continue here; Be Thou my pattern, Thou my guide; This friendless heart from sorrow hide, Reposing on Thy care. Used With Tune: JOSEPHINE

As Near To Calvary I Pass

Author: Henry Alline, 1748-1784` Appears in 47 hymnals Lyrics: 1 As near to Calvary I pass, Methinks I see a bloody cross, Where a poor victim hangs, His flesh with rugged irons tore, His limbs all dressed in purple gore, Gasping in dying pangs. 2 Surprised the spectacle to see, I asked, Who can this victim be In such exquisite pain? Why thus consigned to woes, I cried, ’Tis I, the bleeding God replied, To save a world from sin. 3 A God for rebel mortal dies; How can it be? my soul replies, What! Jesus die for me? Yes, saith the suffering Son of God, I give My life, I spill My blood, For thee, poor soul, for thee. 4 Lord, since Thy life Thou’st freely giv’n To bring my wretched soul to Heav’n, And bless me with Thy love, Then at Thy feet, O God, I’ll fall, Give Thee my life, my soul, my all, To reign with Thee above. Used With Tune: JOSEPHINE

Jesus, Who Died A World To Save

Author: William Hammond, 1719-1782 Meter: 8.8.6 D Appears in 13 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Jesus, who died a world to save, Revives and rises from the grave, By His almighty power; From sin, and death, and hell set free, He captive leads captivity, And lives to die no more. 2 Lo! how He bursts the bonds of death, And reassumes His vital breath, To make our title good; May all our souls to Heav’n aspire, In thought, in will, in strong desire, To earthly pleasure dead. 3 With thankful hearts we look and see Our Savior clothed with majesty Triumphant o’er the tomb; Yet though our Lord is honored thus, Still all His thoughts are fixed on us, He’ll take us to His home. 4 His church is all His joy and crown, He looks with love and pity down On her He did redeem; He tastes her joys, He feels her woes, And prays that she may spoil her foes, And ever reign with Him. Used With Tune: JOSEPHINE

Sinner Secure, The Writing See!

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: 8.8.6 D Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Sinner secure, the writing see! Death, judgment, hell it speaks to thee; The number of thy days Is finished in a moment here, With horror then thou must appear Before thy Judge’s face. 2 Weighed in the scale, thou wanting art, And when thy soul and body part, Thy guilty spirit flies From earth, with kindred fiends to dwell, Condemned the second death to feel, The death that never dies. Used With Tune: JOSEPHINE Text Sources: Short Hymns on Select Passages of Holy Scripture (Bristol, England: E. Farley, 1762)

How Blest Are Hearts, Which Christ The Lord

Author: Christopher Wordsworth Meter: 8.8.6 D Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 How blest are hearts, which Christ the Lord Has joined, as with a silver cord, In spousal unity; And animated are with love, And inspirations from above, O Holy Ghost, by Thee! 2 When angels sang creation’s birth, Man, fashioned from the dust of earth, In Eden was alone; But God made Eve from Adam’s side, And brought her to him as a bride, And willed them to be one. 3 O holy wedlock, ratified In Heav’n; a knot for ever tied By God in paradise; O happiness beyond compare, What tongues of angels to declare Thy blessedness suffice? 4 Anthems angelical were heard, When Christ, the Everlasting Word, To wed His spouse did come, And take His consecrated bride, Cleansed by the life-blood from His side, Unto His heav’nly home. 5 At Cana’s feast, that heav’nly Guest Did first His Godhead manifest, And water change to wine; In wedlock, tears of sorrowing earth Are changed to wine of heav’nly mirth, By power and love divine. 6 Mirrored in nuptial purity The marriage of the Church we see, And Christ the Bridegroom’s love; Angels look down, and anthems sing, The Holy Dove, with golden wing, Sheds blessings from above. 7 Bless, ever bless, Thy servants, Lord, Whom Thou dost join in sweet accord. The bridegroom and the bride; In sorrow, sickness, and in health, In tribulation and in wealth, Be Thou their help and guide. 8 Be with them, Lord, as day by day They with one heart together pray, Thy Word together read, Together at Thine altar kneel, And with Thy blood their union seal, On Thee together feed. 9 May they for ever have Thee near, Making them to Thyself more dear, And each to each in Thee; So, when from earthly cares released, May they at Thine own marriage feast Be blest eternally. 10 To Father, whose paternal love Sends benedictions from above, Eternal praises be; And God the Son, Incarnate Word, With Holy Spirit, be adored; One God and Persons Three. Used With Tune: JOSEPHINE Text Sources: The Holy Year (London: Rivingtons: 1862)


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