Author: Phipps Onslow Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Hark! a glad exulting throng Lyrics: 1 Hark! a glad exulting throng;
Hark! the loud hosannas ring;
Glad hosannas loud and long
Greet Messiah triumphing.
2 He of whom the prophets won
Mystic visions faint and dim,
Comes, th’All-Father’s only Son,
And redemption comes with Him.
3 Bore the Word sin’s curse and shame,
Leaving Heav’n for sin’s domain;
Wore the Word our fleshly frame,
By His death, death’s king was slain.
4 Once of earthly Mother born
Ever of the Father, He;
Twain the natures He has worn,
One His perfect deity.
5 Lo! the Godhead come to earth,
Perfect man, as all might see,
That reborn in God’s new birth
Might the fallen manhood be.
6 Praise we Him with joyful voice,
Our new birth His triumph sealed;
In the day let all rejoice
Which of old His birth revealed.
7 Him with holiest worship praise
In His solemn Advent-tide;
Holiest rites for holiest days
By the Godhead glorified.
8 So, when earth His terrors shake,
He shall come our faith to bless;
Saved, for that first Advent’s sake,
By His glorious lowliness.
Used With Tune: LEW TRENCHARD Text Sources: Author unknown, in the Mozarbic Breviary, Toledo, Spain, 1502 ; Tr.: Lyra Messianica by Orby Shipley (London: Longman, Green, Longman, roberts & Green, 1864)
Hark! A Glad, Exulting Throng