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Tune Identifier:"^my_soul_exults_with_praise_and_gabriel$"

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The Place Prepared

Author: H. M. DuBose Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5602 Meter: First Line: My soul exults with praise and love Refrain First Line: O court of bliss! O mansion fair! Lyrics: 1. My soul exults with praise and love, Because my Lord hath said to me— Within My Father’s house above I have prepared a place for thee. Refrain O court of bliss! O mansion fair! Where I the King Himself shall see, And crowned with joys beyond compare Shall dwell with Him eternally. 2. His blood hath sealed my deathless right To that blest home beyond the sea; My portion with the saints in light, The place He hath prepared for me. [Refrain] 3. It is not far—that home of mine, That mansion by the cloudless sea; Each morn its portals brighter shine, Each eve it nearer comes to me. [Refrain] 4. A gladsome dawn at last shall bring My bark across the crystal tide. And I shall greet my Savior king And in my Father’s house abide. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: KIAWAH

The Place Prepared

Author: H. M. DuBose Hymnal: Epworth Praises #11 (1909) First Line: My soul exults with praise and love Refrain First Line: O court of bliss, O mansion fair Languages: English Tune Title: [My soul exults with praise and love]

Throughout My Fallen Soul I Feel

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3205 Meter: Lyrics: Throughout my fallen soul I feel The strength of pride invincible; But Thou, th’almighty God of grace, Canst proud aspiring worms abase; All things are possible to Thee, Display Thy humbling power on me, And for His sake, to me impart My Savior’s lowliness of heart. Languages: English Tune Title: KIAWAH

I Left The God Of Truth And Light

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #4135 Lyrics: 1 I left the God of truth and light, I left the God who gave me breath, To wander in the wilds of night, And perish in the snares of death. 2 Sweet was His service, and His yoke Was light and easy to be borne; Through all His bonds of love I broke, I cast away His gifts with scorn. 3 I danced in folly’s giddy maze, And drank the sea, and chased the wind; But falsehood lurked in all her ways, Her laughter left remorse behind. 4 I dreamed of bliss in pleasure’s bowers, While pillowing roses stayed my head; But serpents hissed among the flowers; I woke, and thorns were all my bed. 5 In riches when I sought for joy, And placed in sordid gains my trust, I found that gold was all alloy, And worldly treasure fleeting dust. 6 I wooed ambition, climbed the pole, And shone among the stars—but fell, Headlong, in all my pride of soul, Like Lucifer, from Heav’n to hell. 7 Heart-broken, friendless, poor, cast down, Where shall the chief of sinners fly, Almighty Vengeance, from Thy frown? Eternal Justice, from Thine eye? 8 Lo, through the gloom of guilty fears, My faith discerns a dawn of grace; The Sun of Righteousness appears In Jesus’ reconciling face. 9 My suffering, slain, and risen Lord, In sore distress I turn to Thee; I claim acceptance on Thy word; My God, my God, forsake not me. 10 Prostrate before the mercy seat, I dare not, if I would, despair; None ever perished at Thy feet, And I will lie for ever there. Languages: English Tune Title: KIAWAH

Jesus, Thou God Of Nations, Bend

Author: Susanna Harrison Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8694 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Thou God of nations, bend The skies, and let the rain descend, But not Thy wrath—in mercy bless This land with showers of righteousness. 2 Pour down some tokens of Thy love; Impending punishment remove: Pour down the Spirit of Thy grace, That every soul may seek Thy face. 3 Forbid this land should ever be Forsaken utterly by Thee! Let not Thy sore displeasure rest Upon a nation so distressed. 4 Her woes, her poverty, her need, With Thy compassion we would plead; Enrich her, Lord, in every place, With all the plenitude of grace. 5 O water every sacred ground, Where’er the seeds of truth are found, And make the fruits of Zion’s hill The glory of this nation still. 6 Why should this once high-favored place Be ever banished from Thy face? Let not our sin our ruin prove, In wrath descend not, but in love. Languages: English Tune Title: KIAWAH

O King Of Saints, With Pitying Eye

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11464 Meter: First Line: O King of saints with pitying eye Lyrics: 1 O King of saints with pitying eye, Thy poor afflicted people see, Who hold Thy Word, nor dare deny Thy name, though suffering loss for Thee. Exposed to shame, and want, and pain, Crushed by the persecutor’s power, Thou, Lord, their fainting souls sustain, And keep them in their trying hour. 2 From anger, and contemptuous pride, From low revenge, and faithless fear, Preserve, and still their spirits hide, Till Thou in their behalf appear. Their feeble hearts confirm, unite, And fix on their reward above: Embolden with Thy Spirit’s might, And arm them with Thy patient love. 3 Thee let the witnesses confess Before the rebel sons of men, Proclaim Thine all victorious grace, And suffer till with Thee they reign: To Thee, and to each other cleave, While midst the ravening wolves they lie, A pattern to believers live, A pattern to believers die! Languages: English Tune Title: KIAWAH

He Came In Weakness, Comes In Power

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #11186 Meter: Lyrics: 1 He came in weakness, comes in power, His glory yet hath its full hour, When in the blue meridian The sun shall fade, grow cold and wan; When brighter, keener lightnings play, And blaze into the Judgment-day, O King of Glory, thus again, Art Thou to come, the Judge of men. 2 Work in us now to seek Thy grace, That then we shrink not from Thy face; Look on us now, that then we bless Thy voice of truth and holiness. From earthly passion, earthly aim, From every secret thing of shame, Cleanse us, till on this darksome road Our hearts give back the light of God. 3 Be ours on earth, that we may know Our refuge in that hour of woe, And cling to Thee, whose mercies quell The banded powers of death and hell. So may we stand upon Thy right Among the ransomed sons of light, And with the angel host adore Our God and Savior evermore. Languages: English Tune Title: KIAWAH

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