Author: E. R. Snow Appears in 12 hymnals First Line: Though deep'ning trials throng your way Lyrics: 1. Though deep’ning trials throng your way.
Press on, press on, ye Saints of God!
Ere long the resurrection day
Will spread its life and truth abroad,
Will spread its life and truth abroad.
2. Though outward ills await us here.
The time at longest is not long
Ere Jesus Christ will reappear,
Surrounded by a glorious throng,
Surrounded by a glorious throng.
3. Lift up your hearts in praise to God.
Let your rejoicings never cease,
Though tribulations rage abroad.
Christ says, “In me ye shall have peace,”
Christ says, “In me ye shall have peace.”
4. All glory to His holy name,
Who sends His faithful servants forth
To prove the nations to proclaim
Salvation's tidings through the earth,
Salvation's tidings through the earth. Used With Tune: [Though deep'ning trials throng your way]
Though Deepening Trials