1 See the light is shining!
Lift, oh, lift your eyes!
Fair the prospect groweth,
As by faith we rise;
Look to yonder city,
Where the light endures,
Praise the God of grace,
Fall all things now are yours,
Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world;
Or life, or death, or things present, or things to come;
All are yours, and ye are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.
2 Joyously triumphant
Over ev’ry foe;
Building for the Master,
Safely, surely go;
He your labor watcheth,
He your rest secures,
Trust, rejoice and sing,
Fall all things now are yours, [Refrain]
3 Keep the temple holy,
For your heav’nly guest;
Grieve not Him who seals you,
Bravely stand each text;
Christ your sure Foundation,
Perfect strength insures,
Build with hope and faith,
Fall all things now are yours, [Refrain]
Source: The Kingdom of Praise #66