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Tune Identifier:"^to_thee_o_god_we_render_praise$"

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How good and pleasant must it be

Appears in 17 hymnals Lyrics: 1 How good and pleasant must it be To thank the LORD most high; And with repeated Hymns of Praise, His Name to magnify: With ev'ry Morning's early Dawn, His Goodness to relate; And of his constant Truth, each Night The glad Effects repeat. 2 To ten string'd Instruments we'll sing, With tuneful Psalt'ries join'd, And to the Harp, with solemn Sounds, For sacred Use design'd: For through thy wond'rous Works, O Lord, Thou mak'st my Heart rejoice; The Thoughts of them shall make me glad, And shout with chearful Voice. 3 How wond'rous are thy Works, O LORD! How deep are thy Decrees! Whose winding Tracks, in Cecret laid, No stupid Sinner sees: He little thinks, when wicked Men, Like Grass, look fresh and gay; How soon their short liv'd Splendor must, For ever pass away. 4 But thou, my GOD, art still most high; And all thy lofty Foes, Who thought they might securely sin, Shall be o'erwhelm'd with Woes: Whilst thou exalt'st my Sov'reign Pow'r, And mak'st it largely spread; And with refreshing Oil anoint'st My consecrated Head. 5 I soon shall see my stubborn Foes To utter Ruin brought; And hear the dismal End of those Who have against me fought: But righteous Men, like fruitful Palms, Shall make a glorious Show; As Cedars that on Lebanon In stately Order grow. 6 These planted in the House of GOD, Within his Courts shall thrive; Their Vigour and their Lustre both Shall in old Age revive. Thus will the LORD his Justice shew; And GOD, my strong Defence, Shall due Rewards to all the World Impartially dispense. Topics: Prophecies Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked Scripture: Psalm 92 Used With Tune: [How good and pleasant must it be]
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The Song of Simeon

Appears in 8 hymnals First Line: Lord, let thy servant now depart Lyrics: 1 LORD, let thy Servant now depart Into thy promis'd Rest; Since my expecting Eyes have been With thy Salvation bless'd; Which, till the Time thy favour'd Saints, And Prophets, only knew, Long since prepar'd, but now set forth In all the Peoples View. 2 A Light, to shew the Heathen World The Way to saving Grace, Also the Light and Glory both Of Isr'el's chosen Race. To FATHER, SON and HOLY GHOST, The GOD, whom we adore, Be Glory, as it was, is now, And shall be ever more. Scripture: Luke 2:29-31 Used With Tune: [Lord, let thy Servant now depart]
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O GOD, whose former Mercies make

Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 O GOD, whose former Mercies make My constant Praise thy Due, Hold not thy Peace, but my sad State, With wonted Favours view. For sinful Men, with lying Lips, Deceitful Speeches frame, And with their study'd Slander seek To wound my spotless Fame. 2 Their restless Hatred prompts them still Malicious Lies to spread; And all against my Life combine, By causeless Fury led. Those whom with tender'st Love I us'd, My chief Opposers are; Whilst I, of other Friends bereft, Resort to thee by Pray'r. 3 Since Mischief, for the Good I did, Their strange Reward does prove, And Hatred's the Return they make For undissembled Love, Their guilty Leaders shall be made To some ill Man a Slave; And, when he's try'd, his mortal Foe For his Accuser have. 4 His Guilt, when Sentence is pronounc'd, Shall meet a dreadful Fate, Whilst his rejected Pray'r but serves His Crimes to aggravate, He, snatch'd by some untimely Fate, Sha'n't live out half his Days: Another, by divine Decree, Shall on his Office seize. 5 His Seed shall Orphans be, his Wife A Widow, plung'd in Grief; His vagrant Children beg their Bread, Where none can give Relief. His ill-got Riches shall be made To Usurers a Prey; The Fruit of all his Toil shall be By Strangers borne away. 6 None shall be found that to his Wants Their Mercy will extend, Or to his helpless Orphan Seed The least Assistance lend. A swift Destruction soon shall seize On his unhappy Race; And the next Age his hated Name Shall utterly deface. 7 The Vengeance of his Father's Sins, Upon his Head shall fall; GOD on his Mother's Crimes shall think, And punish him for all. All these. in horrid Order rank'd, Before the LORD shall stand, Till his fierce Anger quite cuts off Their Mem'ry from the Land. Part II 8 Because he never Mercy shew'd, But still the Poor oppress'd; And sought to slay the helpless Man, With heavy Woes distress'd. Therefore the Curse he lov'd to vent, Shall his own Portion prove; And Blessings, which he still abhorr'd, Shall far from him remove. 9 Since he in cursing took such Pride, Like Water it shall spread Through all his Veins, and stick like Oil, With which his Bones are fed. This, like a poison'd Robe, shall still His constant Cov'ring be, Or an envonom'd Belt, from which He never shall be free. 10 Thus shall the LORD reward all those, That ill to me design, That with malicious false Reports Against my Life combine. But for thy glorious Name, O GOD, Do thou deliver me; And for thy gracious Mercy's sake, Preserve and set me free. 11 For I, to utmost Straits reduc'd, Am void of all Relief; My Heart is wounded with Distress, And quite pierc'd through with Grief. I, like an Ev'ning Shade, decline, Which vanishes apace: Like Locusts up and down I'am toss'd, And have no certain Place. 12 My Knees with Fasting are grown weak, My body lank and lean; All that behold me, shake their Heads, And treat me with Disdain. But for thy Mercy's sake, O LORD, Do thou my Foes withstand; That all may see 'tis thy own Act, The Work of thy Right-Hand. 13 Then let them curse, so thou but bless; Let Shame the Portion be Of all that my Destruction seek, While I rejoice in thee. My Foe shall with Disgrace be cloath'd; And, spite of all his Pride, His own Confusion, like a Cloke, The guilty Wretch shall hide. 14 But I to GOD, in grateful Thanks, My chearful Voice will raise; And where the great Assembly meets, Set forth his noble Praise. For him the Poor shall always find Their sure and constant Friend; And he shall from unrighteous Dooms Their guiltless Souls defend. Topics: Description of Slander and Backbiting; Prophecies Of Judas, his Punishment; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch Scripture: Psalm 109 Used With Tune: [O God whose former Mercies make]
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Vengeance belongs to thee, O GOD

Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Vengeance belongs to thee, O GOD, Thy Justice now disclose; Arise, thou Judge of all the Earth, And crush thy haughty Foes: How long, O LORD, shall sinful Men, Their solemn Triumphs make? How long their wicked Actions boast, And insolently speak? 2 Not only they thy Saints oppress, But unprovok'd, they spill The Widow's and the Stranger's Blood, And helpless Orphans kill: "And yet the LORD shall ne'er perceive, (Profanely thus they speak) "Nor any Notice of our Deeds, "The God of Jacob take." 8 At length, ye stupid Fools, your Wants Endeavour to discern; In Folly will you still proceed, And Wisdom never learn? Can he be deaf who form'd the Ear, Or blind who fram'd the Eye? Shall Earth's great Judge not punish those, Who his known Will defy? 4 He fathoms all the Thoughts of Men, To him their Hearts lie bare; His Eyes survey them all, and see How vain their Counsels are. Part II 5 Blest is the Man whom thou, O LORD, In Kindness dost chastise; And by thy sacred Rules to walk, Most lovingly advise: This Man shall Rest and Safety find. In Seasons of Distress; Whilst GOD prepares a Pit for those, That stubbornly transgress. 6 For GOD will never from his Saints His Favour wholly take; His own Possession and his Lot, He will not quite forsake: The World shall then confess thee just, On all that thou hast done; And those that choose thy upright Ways, Shall in those Paths go on. 7 Who will appear in my Behalf, When wicked Men invade? Or who, when Sinners would oppress, My righteous Cause shall plead? Long since had I in Silence slept, But that the LORD was near, To stay me when I slipt, when sad, My troubled Heart to chear. 8 Wilt thou, who art a GOD most just, Their sinful Throne sustain, Who make the Law a fair Pretence Their wicked Ends to gain? Against the Lives of righteous Men, They form their close Design; And Blood of Innocence to spill, In solemn League combine. 9 But my Defence is firmly plac'd In GOD the LORD most high: He is my Rock, to which I may For Refuge always fly: The LORD shall cause their ill Designs, On their own Heads to fall: He in their Sins shall cut them off, Our GOD shall slay them all. Topics: Description of Unjust Judges; Prophecies Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch Scripture: Psalm 94 Used With Tune: [Vengeance belongs to thee, O God]
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To GOD your grateful Voices raise

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 To GOD your grateful Voices raise, Who does your Patron prove; And let your never ceasing Praise Attend his endless Love. Let those give Thanks, whom he from Bands Of haughty Foes releas'd; And brought them back from distant Lands, From North, South, West and East. 2 Through lonely desart Ways they went, Nor could a City find; 'Till quite with Thirst and Hunger spent, Their Souls within them pin'd. Then soon to GOD's indulgent Ear Did they their Cry address; Who graciously vouchsaf'd to hear, And freed them from Distress. 3 From crooked Paths he led them forth, And did their Footsteps guide; To wealthy Towns of great Resort, Where they were well supply'd. Oh then, that all the Earth, with me, Would GOD's great Mercy praise; And ALL the mighty Works, which he Throughout the World displays. 4 For he beholds the longing Souls, Their Wants he satisfies; The hungry Soul, e'en to the full, With Goodness he supplies. 10 Some lie, with Darkness compass'd round, In Death's tremendous Shade; And with unwieldy Fetters bound, By Cares more heavy made. 5 Because GOD's Counsel they defy'd, And lightly priz'd his Word, They fell, and were with Sorrows try'd, Where none could Help afford. Then soon to God's indulgent Ear They did their Cry address; Who graciously vouchsaf'd to hear, And freed them from Distress. 6 From dismal Dungeons, dark as Night, And Black as Death's Abode, He brought them forth, to chearful Light, And Liberty bestow'd. Oh then that all the Earth, with me Would GOD's great Mercy praise, And all the mighty Works, which he Throughout the World displays! 7 For he, with his Almighty Hand, The Gates in Pieces broke; Nor could the Bars of brass withstand, Or Steel resist his Stroke. Part II 8 Remorseless Wretches, void of Sense, With Boldness GOD defy; And for their multiply'd Offence, Oppress'd with sickness lie. Their Soul, a Prey to Pain and Fear, Abhors the choicest Meats; And they by faint Degrees draw near To Death's most dreadful Gates. 9 Then straight to GOD's indulgent Ear, They do their Cry address; Who graciously vouchsafes to hear, And free them from Distress. He all their sad Distempers heals, And Health and Safety gives; And when all human Succour fails, Their Souls from Death retrieves. 10 Oh then, that all the Earth, with me Would GOD's great Mercy praise; And all his wondrous Works, which he Throughout the World displays! With Off'rings let his Altar flame, Whilst they their Thanks express; And with loud Joy, his holy Name, For all his Wonders bless. Part III 13 They that in Ships, with Courage bold, Through Seas their Trade pursue, Do GOD's amazing Works behold, And fearful Wonders view. No sooner his Command is past, But forth the Tempest flies; Which sweeps the Sea with rapid Haste, And makes the Billows rise. 12 Sometimes the Ships, toss'd up to Heav'n, On Mountain Waves appear; Then down the steep Abyss are driv'n, Each Soul dissolves with Fear. They reel and stagger to and fro, Like Men with Wine oppress'd; Nor do the skilful Seamen know, Which Course to steer, is best. 14 Then straight to GOD's indulgent Ear They do their Cry address; Who graciously vouchsafes to hear, And free them from Distress. He does the raging Storm appease, And makes the Billows still; With Joy they see their Fury cease, Their Voyage they fulfil. 14 Oh then, that all the Earth, with me Would GOD's great Mercy praise, And all the mighty Works, which he Throughout the World displays! Let them, where all the Tribes resort, Advance his glorious Name, And in the Elders sov'reign Court, With Joy his Praise proclaim. Part IV 15 A fruitful Land, where Streams abound, GOD, if People sin, Will turn to dry and barren Ground, And punish those therein: The parch'd and desart Heath, he makes To smile springing Wells; Which for his Lot the Hungry takes, And in strong Cities dwells. 16 He sows the Fields, the Vineyard plants, Which all his Toil repay; Nor can, while GOD his Blessing grants, His Seed or Stock decay. But when his Sins Heav'n's Wrath provoke, His Substance fades away; He feels th'Oppressor's gauling Yoke, And falls to Grief a Prey. 17 The Prince that slights what GOD commands, Must quickly leave his Throne; And over wild and desart Lands Abandon'd stray alone. Whilst GOD from all afflicting Cares Sets humble Men on high; And makes in Time his num'rous Heirs With num'rous Flocks to vie. 18 Then Sinners shall have nought to say, The Just their Joy shall show; The Wise these strange Events shall weigh, And GOD's great Mercy know. Topics: Songs of Praise to God the Creation and Providence; Thanksgivings For Delerances and Wonders, General Scripture: Psalm 107 Used With Tune: [To God, your grateful voices raise]
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To thee, O GOD, we render Praise

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 To thee, O GOD, we render Praise From Sion, thy blest Seat; Our promis'd Altars there we'll raise, And all our Vows compleat. O thou, who to my humble Pray'r, Didst bend thy list'ning Ear; To thee shall all Mankind repair, And at thy Throne appear. 2 Our Sins, tho' numberless, in vain To stop thy Mercy try, Whilst thou forgiv'st the guilty Stain, And washest out the Dye. Blest is the Man, who, near thee plac'd, Within thy Dwelling lives! Whilst we at humble Distance taste, The Joy thy Temple gives. 3 By wond'rous Acts, O GOD most just, Have we thy Answer found: In the remotest Nations trust, And those whom Seas surround. GOD by His Strength sets fast the Hills, And does his Pow'r engage, With which the stormy Waves he stills, And quells the Peope's Rage. Part II 4 Thou, LORD, dost barb'rous Lands dismay, When they thy Tokens view; With Joy they see the Night and Day, Each others Track pursue. From out thy unexhausted Store, Thy Rain refresh the Ground; Makes Lands, that barren were before, With Corn and Fruits abound. 5 On rising Ridges down it pours, And ev'ry Valley fills; And in the soft prolific Show'rs, A bless'd Increase distills. Thy Goodness does the circling Year, With smiling Plenty crown; And where thy glorious Paths appear, Thy Clouds drop Fatness down. 6 They drop on barren Forests, chang'd By them to Pastures green; The Hills in beauteous Order rang'd, In Robes of Joy are seen, Large Flocks the chearful Downs adorn, The teeming Vallies bring A plenteous Crop of full-ear'd Corn, And seem to laugh and sing. Topics: Description of Happiness of Man; Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Sacrifice; Songs of Praise to God the Creation and Providence; Thanksgivings For diverse Mercies shown to the Chruch Scripture: Psalm 65 Used With Tune: [To thee, O God, we render Praise]
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LORD, let thy just Decrees the King

Appears in 5 hymnals Lyrics: 1 LORD, let thy just Decrees the King In all his Ways direct; And let his Son, throughout his Reign, Thy righteous Laws respect. So shall he still thy People judge, With pure and upright Mind; Whilst all the helpless Poor shall him, Their just Protector find. 2 Then Hills and Mountains shall bring forth, The happy Fruits of Peace; Which all the Land shall own to be, The work of Righteousness; Whilst he the poor and needy Race. Shall rule with gentle Sway, And from their humble Necks, shall take Oppressive Yoaks away. 3 In ev'ry Heart, thy awful Fear Shall then be rooted fast, As long as Sun and Moon endure, Or Time itself shall last. He shall descend like Rain, that chears The Meadow's second Birth; Or like war Show'rs, whose gentle Drops, Refresh the thirsty Earth. 4 In his blest Days the Just and Good Shall be with Favour crown'd; The happy Land shall every where With endless Peace abound. His uncontroul'd Dominion shall From Sea to Sea extend; Begin at proud Euphrates' Stream, At Nature's Limits end. 5 To him the Savage Nations round, Shall bow their servile Heads; His vanquish'd Foes shall lick the Dust Where he his Conquest spreads. The Kings of Tarshish, and the Isles, Shall costly Presents bring; From spicy Sheba Gifts shall come, And wealthy Saba's King. 6 To him shall ev'ry King on Earth His humble Homage pay; And diff'ring Nations gladly join, To own his righteous Sway. For he shall set the needy free, When they for Succour cry; Shall save the Helpless, and the Poor, And all their Wants supply. Part II 7 His Providence, for needy Souls Shall due Supplies prepare; And over their defenceless Lives, Shall watch with tender Care. He shall preserve and keep their Souls From Fraud and Rapine free; And in his Sight, their guiltless Blood Of mighty Price shall be. 8 Therefore shall GOD his Life and Reign To many Years extend; Whilst Eastern Princes Tribute pay, And golden Presents send. For him shall constant Pray'rs be made, Thro' all his prosp'rous Days; His just Dominion shall afford A lasting Theme of Praise. 9 Of useful Grain thro' all the Land, Great Plenty shall appear; A Handful sown on Mountain Tops, A mighty Crop shall bear. Its Fruit, like Cedars shook by Winds, A rattling Noise shall yield; The City too shall thrive, and vie For Plenty, with the Field. 10 The Mem'ry of his glorious Name, Thro' endless Years shall run; His spotless Fame shall shine as bright And lasting as the Sun. In him the Nations of the Earth Shall be completely blest, And his unbounded Happiness By ev'ry Tongue confest. 11 Then bless'd be GOD, the mighty LORD, The GOD whom Israel fears; Who only wond'rous in his Works, Beyond Compare, appears. Let Earth be with His Glory fill'd; Forever bless his Name; Whilst to his Praise the list'ning World, Their glad Assent proclaim. Topics: Description of The Church: Happiness under the Government of the Messiah; Prayers Of the Church for the Glory of her King or State; Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Coming and Government Scripture: Psalm 72 Used With Tune: [Lord, let thy just Decrees the King]
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Thy Mercies, LORD, shall be my Theme

Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Thy Mercies, LORD, shall be my Theme, Thy Judgments I will tell; And whilst I lift my voice to thee, My Song on them shall dwell: When wilt thou come, and unto me Thy Righteousness impart? That I before thee in my House, May walk with perfect Heart. 2 An ill Design, or treach'rous Act, I ne'er will take in Hand; Nor shall a froward wicked Man, Within my Presence stand: The private Slanderer shall be, By publick Justice try'd; Nor will I suffer him, who wears The haughty Looks of Pride. 3 But I with Pleasure will behold, The Man from Falsehood free; And he that leads a godly Life, Shall still my Servant be: For treach'rous Men, I never will, For my Companions take; Nor shall mischievous Liars e'er, My House their Dwelling make. 4 My utmost Pow'r I will exert, The Wicked to destroy; Nor shall a Race of sinful Men, Again the Land annoy: All wicked Doers I'll root out, They shall no more remain; Nor thus the city of the LORD, With hateful Deeds profane. Topics: Description of Duty of the Ministers of God's Word Scripture: Psalm 101 Used With Tune: [Thy Mercies, Lord, shall be my Theme]

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