1 When Jesus was born in the manger
The shepherds came thither to see,
For the angels proclaimed that a Saviour was born
To save a poor sinner like me.
To save a poor sinner, to save a poor sinner,
To save a poor sinner like me;
For the angels proclaimed that a Saviour was born
To save a poor sinner like me.
2 He was wounded for my transgressions,
Acquainted with sorrow was he;
In the garden he prayed, and sweat great drops of blood,
To save a poor sinner like me.
3 He was brought to Pilate for judgment,
He was sentenced to hang on a tree.
It is finished! he cried, when he suffered and died
To save a poor sinner like me.
4 But death and the grave could not hold him,
He burst them asunder for thee.
On the third day he rose, in spite of his foes,
To save a poor sinner like me.
5 I’m fighting my passage to Heaven,
O’er death I shall conqueror be.
Then to Glory I’ll fly, and shout through the sky:
He saved a poor sinner like me.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #137