1 When will He return, my precious Lord and Savior?
When will He return, to gather home His own?
Bursting thro’ the clouds and gently, sweetly calling
All the weary pilgrims, who His name have known.
He will return, Jesus will return,
Put ye on the garments pure and white;
Guard that thou hast, least thy crown be lost,
Keep forever walking in the light.
2 When will He return, my pierced, thorn-crowned Savior?
When will He return, with nail-prints in His hands?
Changing all who sleep and all the waiting millions
Ready for their dwelling on the golden strand. [Chorus]
3 When will He return, my risen Lord and Master?
When will He return, a thousand years to reign?
Casting Satan forth, who causeth man such anguish,
Staying all the tears that flow like falling rain. [Chorus]
4 When will He return? I see the signs appearing;
When will He return? The prophet says, ‘tis soon;
Is tine heart renewed and purified thro’ Jesus,
Waiting, should the Master come at dawn or noon? [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 2 #30