1 With self surrender cometh rest,
Giving our all to God;
The consecrated life is blest,
Giving our all to God.
Wonderful peace, wonderful rest;
The consecrated life is best,
Giving our all to God.
2 Our time and talents, strength and skill,
Giving our all to God;
His treasure empty hands will fill,
Giving our all to God. [Refrain]
3 Our utmost will so little be,
Giving our all to God;
Compared with love, so full and free,
Giving our all to God. [Refrain]
4 Constrained by his all conquering grace,
Giving our all to God;
We’ll fight the foe, we’ll run the race,
Giving our all to God. [Refrain]
Source: United Praise: for use in Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies and other Church Services #127