Author: P. Eber, 1511-69; C. Winkworth, 1827-78 Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #238 (1996) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord Jesus Christ, true Man and God,
Who borest anguish, scorn, the rod,
And diedst at last upon the tree,
To bring Thy Father's grace for me:
2 I pray Thee through that bitter woe,
With me, a sinner, mercy know
When comes the hour of failing breath,
And I must wrestle, Lord, with death.
3 When from my sight all fades away,
And when my tongue no more can say,
And when mine ears no more can hear,
And when my heart is racked with fear,
4 When all my mind is darkened o'er,
And human help can do no more;
Then come, Lord Jesus, come with speed,
And help me in my hour of need.
5 Lead me from this dark vale beneath,
And shorten then the pangs of death;
All evil spirits drive away,
But let Thy Spirit with me stay,
6 Until my soul the body leave;
Then in Thy hands my soul receive,
And let the earth my body keep,
Till the last day shall break its sleep.
7 Joyful my resurrection be,
Thou in the Judgment plead for me,
And hide my sins, Lord, from Thy face,
And give me Life of Thy dear grace!
8 Implicitly I trust Thee, Lord,
For Thou hast promised in Thy Word:
"In truth I tell you, who receives
My word, and keeps it, and believes,
9 Shall never fall God's wrath beneath,
Shall never taste eternal death;
Though here he must return to dust,
He still is noways therefore lost;
10 For I will with a mighty hand
Deliver him from Death's strong band,
And lift him hence that he shall be
Forever in My realm with Me,"
11 Forever living there in bliss."
O let us not that glory miss!
Dear Lord, forgive us all our guilt,
Help us to wait until Thou wilt
12 That we depart; and let our faith
Be brave, and conquer e'en in death,
Firm resting on Thy sacred Word,
Until we sleep in Thee, our Lord.
Topics: Mercy of God; Quinquagesima Languages: English Tune Title: HERR JESU CHRIST, WAHR MENSCH
Lord Jesus Christ, True Man and God