1 A beautiful star over Bethlehem’s plain,
How welcome thy glorious light,
Bright omen of peace to our sin-stricken world,
O’ershadowed in blackness of night.
“All glory to God in the highest,” they sing,
His wonderful name they adore;
Our Counsellor tender, our Shield and Defender,
Our God and our King evermore.
2 A Savior is born, bringing peace and good will,
And freedom from sin’s dark domain;
Glad angels are singing, all heaven is ringing,
Earth joins in the joyous refrain. [Refrain]
3 Shine on, O bright star, till thy luminous rays
Light ev’ry dark corner of earth,
All nations shall learn of the Christ-Child who came,
And sing of His wonderful birth. [Refrain]
4 Shine on while the ages eternal shall roll,
While myriads around the white throne
Are praising the One who redeemed us from sin,
Who washed us and made us His own. [Refrain]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 4 #44