1 A host so vast and numberless,
The countless millions stand,
Around the great Jehovah’s throne,
With waving palms in hand.
A throng no man can number,
As the stars or the sands by the sea;
They wave their palms, singing,
“Glory be to God,
Who giveth us the victory.”
2 Whence came these countless shining ones?
Up from earth’s toil and pain,
They came thro’ tribulations sore,
This heav’nly rest to gain. [Refrain]
3 These are the poor and lowly souls
Who passed beneath the rod,
Relying on His promise sure,
“The lowly shall see God.” [Refrain]
4 And these were kind and merciful,
Who trusting in the Lord,
Dealt gently with the erring ones,
And this their great reward. [Refrain]
5 And these made peace and conquered strife;
To them bright crowns are giv’n;
The King hath made them sons and heirs,
And they inherit heav’n. [Refrain]
6 How came they to this blessed place?
And whence their bright array?
Their robes are white in Jesus’ blood,
Their sins are washed away. [Refrain]
Source: Fair as the Morning. Hymns and Tunes for Praise in the Sunday-School #174