1. A living stream, as crystal clear,
Welling from out the throne,
Of God and of the Lamb on high,
The Lord to man hath shown.
2. This stream doth water Paradise,
It makes the angels sing:
One precious drop within the heart
Is of all joy the spring:
3. Joy past all speech, of glory full,
But stored where none may know,
As manna hid in dewy heaven,
As pearls in ocean low.
4. Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard,
Nor to man’s heart hath come
What for those loving Thee in truth
Thou hast in love’s own home.
5. But by His Spirit He to us
The secret doth reveal:
Faith sees and hears: but O for wings
That we might taste, and feel;
6. Wings like a dove to waft us on
High o’er the flood of sin!
Lord of the Ark, put forth Thine hand,
And take Thy wanderers in.
7. O praise the Father, praise the Son,
The Lamb for sinners given,
And Holy Ghost, through whom alone
Our hearts are raised to Heav’n.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #4023