1 A Precious gift on man bestow'd,
That is to have the word of God;
The sure infallible record
That shews the counsels of the Lord.
2 That book it has to man reveal'd,
That which was to the world conceal'd.
That book reveal'd the glorious plan
By which God sav'd the race of man.
3 Of all the treasures here on earth,
This book is of the greatest worth;
From age to age it handeth down,
As much as need to man be known.
4 The Bible is a light divine!
It makes a world of darkness sine;
And ev'ry chapter, line and page,
Can cast a light on ev'ry age.
5 Bless'd are the rays this light doth give,
And bless'd are they who do receive;
This blessed light, this blessed heat,
Can make our hopes and joys complete.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCCVII