A year, another year is fled;
Its issues who can tell?
Millions of voices of the dead
Reply from heaven or hell.
All these were living at the birth
Of the departed year;
They all have vanish'd from the earth,
We fill their places here.
Though to the eye, the ear, the mind
Of man their speech is seal'd,
The eternal meaning each may find,
In two plain words reveal'd.
Lost spirits, from the dark abyss,
Cry mournfully "Beware!"
Spirits in glory, and in bliss,
Sing joyfully "Prepare!"
Thus timely warned, and moved with fear,
Of wrath, let us beware;
For life or death, in this new year,
For earth and heaven prepare.
Who then of those with us, this day
In childhood, youth, or age,
"To love the Lord our God" can say
"We all our hearts engage."
Sacred Poems and Hymns