SATB Moderately Easy Sheet Music Lent Shipped by GIA Publications $2.10 We adore you , Jesus Christ
This edited version of the traditional text “We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you,” maintains non Papa’s original Renaissance style while including valuable pe… | |
SATB Organ Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $2.25 New settings of three familiar Latin texts: (1) Adoramus te, Christe… | |
Organ Difficult Sheet Music Shipped by Hope Publishing $22.95 These represent The Best of Gordon Young from previous publications, plus new settings of O God Our Help in Ages Past and A Mighty Fortress. Ideal material for preludes and postludes. Note:… | |
SATB Easy Sheet Music Shipped by GIA Publications $2.10 This final chorus from Dubois’ Seven Last Words of Christ is a great choice for making the transition from your Good Friday communal worship to an extended time of individual reflection.Series: Chor… |