All hearts are open to Thy view,
All things are naked in Thy sight;
Now may the Eye that looks us through,
Show us ourselves in its pure light.
Then, while with awe we look to Thee,
The High, the Holy One, the Just,
With self-abhorrence, Lord, may we
Repent in ashes and in dust.
But, lest we perish in Thine ire,
--For woe are we, unclean, undone!
Our God is a consuming fire,--
May we behold Thee through Thy Son.
In Him love, merct, truth, and grace,
The fulness of the Godhead dwells;
And the bright shining of His face
Darkness, and doubt, and fear dispels.
So be it:--round Thy throne we meet,
With faith and hope, in self-despair,
To pour our souls Out at Thy feet;
Hear us, O Thou that hearest prayer!
Sacred Poems and Hymns