1 All the world is joyful in the sunny spring;
Early flow’rs, golden hours,
Celebrate the triumph of our risen King,
Bless His name, precious name,
spread His fame, wondrous fame.
Our Redeemer liveth evermore,
To the radiant Homeland gone before;
Hallelujah sing to our risen Saviour!
Now the stone is rolled away,
Happy, happy Easter Day.
2 Let the blessed tidings ring from sea to sea,
Swell the song, Easter song;
Christ the risen Victor sets His people free;
Endless life, fadeless light,
Thro’ His might, saving might. [Refrain]
3 All the world is joyful; how much more shall we
Praises sing to our King;
Broken sin’s dominion, sound the jubilee,
Jesus lives evermore
Bow the knee and adore. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #235