1 Almost thou art yielding, hear the Spirit say,
Turn, my child, and take the narrow way;
Leave thy broken vows, make no delay
For the Savior’s hand is stretched out still.
2 Almost thou art yielding as the Spirit pleads,
Many sins you face and darkest deeds;
Hopes arise as mercy intercedes,
For the Savior’s hand is stretched out still.
3 Almost thou art yielding, but the Spirit’s grieved,
Cold you turned and Satan’s tho’t received;
Oh, that thou the word of life believed,
For the Savior’s hand is stretched out still.
4 Almost thou art yielding, but the Spirit’s flown,
Bitterness of soul is coming on;
Thro’ the shades of death you go alone,
For the Spirit strives with thee no more.
Source: Gold Tried in the Fire: suitable for church, Sunday school, revival meetings, missionary and rescue work #75