1 Amid the toils and cares of life,
Amid the turmoil and the strife,
Rest to the weary soul is sweet:
I find it at the mercy-seat.
At the mercy-seat,
At the mercy-seat:
I love to hold communion sweet
With Jesus, as the mercy-seat.
2 In sore temptation’s trying hour,
When o’er the wily tempter’s pow’r
I strive for victory complete,
I gain it at the mercy-seat. [Refrain]
3 When darkness gathers round my way,
And I can see no cheering ray,
To guide my weary, falt’ring feet,
I tarry at the mercy-seat. [Refrain]
4 And when my path is bright and clear,
Without a cloud of doubt or fear,
My heart is fill’d with peace so sweet,
While waiting at the mercy-seat. [Refrain]
Source: The Best of All: complete #38