1 Anywhere with Jesus, gladly would I go;
At His side there’s safety from the cruel foe;
Anywhere with Jesus, this my pray’r shall be,
Help me, O my Saviour, still to follow Thee.
Anywhere, anywhere, thro’ this world below,
With my Saviour leading, gladly would I go.
2 Anywhere with Jesus, this my song today,
Master, I will follow, follow all the way;
Anywhere with Jesus, in the darkest hour,
He will ever keep me by His mighty pow’r. [Refrain]
3 Anywhere with Jesus, He will be my guide,
In His own pavilion I can safely hide;
Anywhere with Jesus, this is all I need;
In His love abiding, this is rest indeed. [Refrain]
Source: Christian Endeavor Hymns #32