1 Are thy sins like clouds that gather ‘round thee more and more?
Are they numberless as the sands upon the broad seashore?
Art thou seeking full forgiveness, are thou seeking rest?
Look unto me, I will pardon and thou shalt be blest.
Then look, look, look, look unto me and be ye saved;
Then look, look, look, look unto me and be ye saved;
Salvation full and free I will give, yes, give to thee,
Then look unto me, and be ye saved.
2 Has thy soul upon it stains of sin of crimson hue?
Let us reason together, though they be as scarlet, too;
Come, oh, come, and I will cleanse it whiter than the snow
With my own blood shed for thee on Calv’ry long ago. [Refrain]
3 Art thou troubled with temptations as the days go by?
Oh, remember that I am list’ning for thy faintest cry;
I will break the tempter’s power and thou shalt be free;
Look unto me, only look, and thou shalt saved be. [Refrain]
4 I alone am thy Redeemer, wilt thou trust in me?
From the stings of a troubled conscience I’ll deliver thee;
Peace that passeth understanding I will freely give;
Only return now to me, and thou shalt surely live. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Grace and Glory: A New and Inspiring Selection of Sacred Songs for Evangelical Use and General Worship #82