1 Are you looking forward to some cherished time,
Missing daily music for some distant chime;
Scorning all the present with its gifts sublime?
Do your very best today.
Do your very best today,
Do your very best today;
Just the present moment is the golden time,
Do your very best today.
2 Prize the precious moments while they’re passing by,
Fill them full of loving deeds that cannot die;
Win some souls for Jesus, and a home on high,
Do your very best today. [Refrain]
3 Make your life a blessing time can ne’er destroy,
Let some noble calling all your time employ;
Then no sad regrets will mar your future joy,
Do your very best today. [Refrain]
4 Grasp the golden moments, for they will not stay,
Life is swiftly fading to the twilight gray;
But a grand endeavor brightens all the way,
Do your very best today. [Refrain]
Source: Praise and Promise: for use in Sunday-schools, prayer meetings, revivals, young people's meetings and on special occasions #112