1 Are you weary in the conflict,
Does the way seem hard and long?
Lift your wings of faith and courage,
For our Captain cries, be strong.
Courage the, O never weary,
Praying, singing all the day;
Soon the conflicts will be over,
And the mists be cleared away.
2 There is promised pow’r for service,
Only wait upon the Lord,
Putting on the gospel armor,
Helmet, shield, and Spirit’s sword. [Chorus]
3 Girded well with truth immortal,
Adding righteousness and peace,
Standing firm against all evil,
Let your prayer of faith ne’er cease. [Chorus]
4 Will we count our pain or sorrow
When the battle has been won,
And we hear our Leader saying,
“Faithful one, well done, well done?” [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 4 #149