1 As we mortals rush about, quiet thought we oft leave out,
We're so busy, we think, we can not be still;
But the Lord has plainly said, if by Him we would be led,
To be still, and know that He is God.
Be still, be still,
Yielded to the Father's chast'ning rod;
Be still, be still,
And know that He is God.
2 One hour given unto Him clears the sky that sin made dim;
We are blind to right when centered on ourselves;
To us comes the needed pow'r when we give to Him His hour,
He will speak, we'll learn that He is God. [Refrain]
3 When we've learned how to be still, He makes known to us His will,
And the load that presses hard He helps to bear;
O then, let us draw aside, and awhile with Him abide--
He'll give strength, we'll know that He is God. [Refrain]
Source: Melodies of Love #65