1 At the close of each day go to Jesus,
Just tell Him of all you have done,
Of the sins that so often beset you,
The snares you have struggled to shun.
At the close of each day,
Go to Jesus for pardon and peace;
Just tell Him of all that has troubled your soul,
His love for you will never cease.
2 Did you yield to some wily temptation?
Unburden your heart to your God,
His compassion you’ll find is unfailing,
Fear not to pass under the rod. [Refrain]
3 At the close of each day go to Jesus,
His love is a balm for all woe;
In His blood is a fountain that cleanseth,
O bathe ‘neath its life-giving flow. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns We Love, for Sunday Schools and All Devotional Meetings #88