1 Beautiful day! Radiant thy light;
Lovely each ray, Beauteous and bright,
Joyous thy dawn, sweet is thy lay,
Holy forever, oh, beautiful day!
Beautiful, beautiful day!
Evermore shine on our way;
Saviour we pray, keep us alway,
Safe in this beautiful day.
2 Jesus our King, Low at thy feet,
Tribute we bring, Praises repeat,
Watch o'er my way, ne'er will I stray,
Far from the light of this beautiful day! [Refrain]
3 Sabbath so fair! Welcome thy dawn,
Hallow'd the air, Sanctified morn,
Chime on sweet bells, gladly ye say,
Jesus the Saviour is calling today! [Refrain]
Source: Light and Life: a collection of new hymns and tunes for sunday schools, prayer meetings, praise meetings and revival meetings #102