1 Before thy people I confess
The wonders of thy righteousness;
Thou knowest, Lord, that I have made
Thy great salvation known,
Thy truth and faithfulness displayed,
Thy loving-kindness shown.
2 Withhold not thou thy grace from me,
O Lord, thy mercy let me see,
To me thy lovin-gkindness show,
Thy truth be still my stay;
Let them preserve me where I go,
And keep me ev'ry day.
3 Let all who seek to see thy face
Be glad and joyful in thy grace;
Let those who thy salvation love
Forevermore proclaim:
O praise the Lord who dwells above,
And magnify his Name.
4 Although I poor and needy be,
The Lord in love takes thought for me;
Thou art my help in time of need,
My Saviour, Lord, art thou;
Then, O my God, I pray, I plead:
Stay not, but save me now.
Source: Trinity Hymnal #565