Display Title: Gather the Harvest InFirst Line: Behold the harvest fields are whiteTune Title: [Behold the harvest fields are white]Author: S. J. G.Scripture: Matthew 9:37Date: 1878
Display Title: Gather the Harvest InFirst Line: Behold the harvest fields are whiteTune Title: [Behold the harvest fields are white]Author: S. J. G.Date: 1880
Display Title: Gather the Harvest InFirst Line: Behold the harvest fields are whiteTune Title: [Behold the harvest fields are white]Author: S. J. G.Date: 1895
Display Title: Gather the Harvest InFirst Line: Behold the harvest fields are whiteTune Title: [Behold the harvest fields are white]Author: S. J. G.Date: 1881
Display Title: Gather the Harvest InFirst Line: Behold the harvest fields are whiteTune Title: [Behold the harvest fields are white]Author: S. J. G.Date: 1882